The Growing Network For Your Health & Wellness Sarah Hahs 2024-09-25 05:00:00Z 0

Insurance Savings  - Tell Us More

Chestnuts, the actual nut, are known to be beneficial for the humans of an ecosystem. Here in Mineral Wells, we benefit by having the Chestnut Insurance Agency. Led by Dana and Mac Chestnut along with their son Korey, they work hard to serve their customers. 
Rotarian Mac shared with the members of the Rotary Club of Mineral Wells various ways to save on auto, home and life insurance. It's not always about switching carriers. 
Insurance Savings  - Tell Us More Sarah Hahs 2024-09-18 05:00:00Z 0 beneficial,insurance,savings

More Than Words: Libraries offer dynamic spaces for students

More Than Words: Libraries Offer Dynamic Spaces For Students
September offers us the opportunity to learn more on ways that Rotary supports education and literacy.
We were welcomed this past week by our Mineral Wells ISD librarians: Cathy Hammond, Rachel Lively, Cara Shoemaker, Tara Hargrove and Betsy Brown. This talented team serves as a bridge from the school district to the community. 
More Than Words: Libraries offer dynamic spaces for students Sarah Hahs 2024-09-15 05:00:00Z 0

Mac Chestnut receives first Paul Harris pin

Club Foundation Chair Harris Brooks, center, awarded a first-level #PaulHarris Fellow pin Mac Chestnut, left, during Wednesday's meeting, recognizing his generous giving to the #RotaryFoundation.
A member attains a new level for every $1,000 given. Those dollars are used for community service projects locally and around the world. Congratulations and thank you, Mac.
Mac Chestnut receives first Paul Harris pin Sarah Hahs 2024-07-13 05:00:00Z 0

Bullock levels up with the Paul Harris Society

Posted on Jul 10, 2024
Mineral Wells Rotarian Karyn Bullock attained her 2nd sapphire Paul Harris Society level in foundational giving and was honored with the presentation of a new pin by Foundation chair Harris Brooks to commemorate her giving milestone.
A Rotarian becomes a member of the Paul Harris Society and reaches a new level with every $1,000 donated to Rotary International's Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund, or approved global grants. Those dollars are used to improve life and living conditions for impoverished people around the world. The purpose of the Paul Harris Society is to honor and thank individuals for their generous, ongoing support of The Rotary Foundation.
Congratulations Karyn on your unselfish giving to Rotary in support of its humanitarian missions around the world.
Bullock levels up with the Paul Harris Society Sarah Hahs 2024-07-10 05:00:00Z 0

Three Rotarians honored for their Paul Harris generosity

Rotary Club of Mineral Wells Foundation Co-Chair Harris Brooks, pictured left, today honored three members for achieving new levels of giving to the Paul Harris Foundation.
“The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is named after Rotary's founder,” Brooks said. “A world of goodwill and better understanding comes closer to reality today because of three members of our club.”
Longtime Rotarian Jimmy Walker, right, was presented with a ruby Paul Harris Fellow pin, recognizing his giving more than $7,000 to the Rotary Foundation.
Future club president Mac Chestnut, center, was honored as a new Paul Harris Fellow member for achieving his first level of giving. Current club President Mike Rankin (not pictured) was also recognized as a new PHF member.
“You join a remarkable company of people throughout the world that are recognized for their commitment to ‘Service Above Self’ to benefit the local and international communities,” Harris said of Chestnut’s and Rankin’s induction into the Paul Harris Society.
Three Rotarians honored for their Paul Harris generosity 2024-05-22 05:00:00Z 0

Janelle Hanlon awarded Four-Way Test scholarship

Rotarian Mac Chestnut presents Janelle Hanlon with a Rotary Four-Way Test scholarship.
Janelle competed in the annual oratory contest based around Rotary International's Four-Way Test principles: Is it The Truth? Is It Fair To All Concerned? Will It Build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Will It Be Beneficial To All Concerned?
Congratulations, Jannelle, and we wish you the best in your educational and career endeavors.
Janelle Hanlon awarded Four-Way Test scholarship 2024-04-14 05:00:00Z 0
BOOK IT: Mineral Wells Rotary honored for donations to school libraries 2024-04-14 05:00:00Z 0

Tonya Gary receives first Paul Harris pin

Club Foundation Chair Harris Brooks, center, awarded a first-level #PaulHarris Fellow pin and certificate to Tonya Gary, left, during Wednesday's meeting, recognizing her generous giving to the #RotaryFoundation.
A member attains a new level for every $1,000 given. Those dollars are used for community service projects locally and around the world. Congratulations and thank you, Tonya.
Also pictured is club President Mike Rankin.
Tonya Gary receives first Paul Harris pin 2024-02-15 06:00:00Z 0

Registration open for 20th Annual Crazy Kicker

The 20th Annual Crazy Kicker tour of Palo Pinto County is set for Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024.
Sponsored and organized by Rotary Club of Mineral Wells, the ride includes five routes -- 22, 37, 50, 65 and 100 miles.
The fall ride is one of the most scenic and challenging bike rides in Texas. The longest routes include the Three Amigos Hills and Cherry Pie Hill. Riders can pass by the Brazos River, Possum Kingdom Lake and Lake Palo Pinto.
Rotarians offer excellent road support and rest stops throughout the ride.
For printable and digital maps, more information and registration, visit
Registration open for 20th Annual Crazy Kicker 2024-01-10 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Wrappers for Tommy's Angel Tree

Posted on Dec 24, 2023
Members of Rotary Club of Mineral Wells helped wrap presents in support of the 31st Annual Tommy’s Angel Tree.
Rotarian Connie Parker (upper left) organizes the event, which this year served nearly 400 local and area children in honor and remembrance of her brother-in-law, Tommy Parker.
Gifts were delivered Dec. 16.
Rotary Wrappers for Tommy's Angel Tree 2023-12-24 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Interact-ion

Posted on Dec 24, 2023
Members of MWHS Interact Club recently got their wrap on, helping wrap toys for the 31st Annual Tommy’s Angel Tree project.
Nearly 400 local and area children were served this year, with deliveries occurring Dec. 16.
Rotary Interact-ion 2023-12-24 06:00:00Z 0
Rappin' with Rep. Rogers 2023-08-16 05:00:00Z 0
5790 DG Pat Peters visit 2023-08-11 05:00:00Z 0
Club adds Charity to its membership 2023-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

FACE to FACE with artist Monte Laster

Posted on Jul 26, 2023
Fort Worth-native Monte Laster, right, is a French-American artist with a long-term engagement in the community of La Cité des 4000 in La Courneuve, perhaps the most socially stigmatized housing project in France. Since 1994, his creative models reflect his committed approach to creativity through participation.
He founded the non-profits FACE (French American Creative Exchange) in La Courneuve, France in 2000 and FACE USA at Castle Rock Mountain in Santo, Texas in 2015.
Monte spoke Wednesday at the club's weekly meeting. He brought with him Jill Campbell Jordan, center, executive director for Texas Lakes Trail Region and vice president of FACE USA. They are pictured with club President-Elect Sarah Hahs.
Monte talked about his "Santo Project," a body of artwork connecting the communities of Santo and Cramoisy, France. To learn more about his project go to
FACE to FACE with artist Monte Laster 2023-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

WHAT A YEAR!: Outgoing President Dianne Templar highlights the past year's accomplishments

Posted on Jul 01, 2023
(Outgoing club President Dianne Templar on Wednesday outlined the club's activities and accomplishments the past year under her leadership. What follows shows why Rotary Club of Mineral Wells is a vibrant and active service club, and how funds raised are used to improve lives across the community and around the world.)

Accomplishments of the Rotary Club of Mineral Wells for the year 2022-2023


Rotary’s seven areas of focus are peace building and conflict prevention, basic education and literacy, disease prevention and treatment, water sanitation and hygiene, community economic development, maternal and child health, and supporting the environment. So, what did we, as the Rotary Club of Mineral Wells, achieve in the year 2022-2023 in these focus areas?


Peace Building and Conflict Prevention

• Erected 1,776 flags in the city of Mineral Wells over the course of the year to show patriotism to the community. Involved six youth organizations to help in this mission, and also provided them with $1,000 each to further their own missions: MWHS Interact Club, Project Graduation, MWHS Class of 2024, Zee’s American Tae Kwon Do, FUMC Youth Group, Indian Creek Baptist Youth Group, Sturdivant 4-H Club and MWHS Class of 2025.

• Donated $250 to Project Graduation, helping provide a safe celebration space for graduated seniors.

• Donated $150 to the Rotary Rose Parade Float bringing our message of “Service Above Self” and “People of Action” to over 40 million international viewers.


      WHAT A YEAR!: Outgoing President Dianne Templar highlights the past year's accomplishments 2023-07-01 05:00:00Z 0

      Passing of the gavel

      Posted on Jun 30, 2023
      The annual passing of the gavel occurred at Wednesday's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting, as the club thanked outgoing President Dianne Templar for her year of service, and welcomed Mike Rankin as club president for the 2023-24 year that begins Saturday.
      Also pictured is Mike's team of officers and directors.
      Passing of the gavel 2023-06-30 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians check out library services, information

      Posted on Jun 17, 2023
      Thank you Boyce Ditto Public Library Manager Kathy Spencer (center) and Library Coordinator/Special Programs Coordinator Casey Slaughter, left, for giving Wednesday's program on the library and the services and programs offered today.
      The library is currently immersed in its summer reading program, with activities offered for children, teens and adults. Check the library's website and Facebook pages for the calendars, or call the library at 940-328-7880.
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells was happy to sponsor last month's magic show for the library. Also pictured is this week's program chair Lottie Eubanks.
      Rotarians check out library services, information 2023-06-17 05:00:00Z 0

      Keri Walden tells Rotarians serving as city judge about much more than holding traffic court

      Posted on Jun 07, 2023

      Mineral Wells attorney and Municipal Court Judge Keri Walden held court, of sorts, at today's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting.

      Our fellow Rotarian (pictured on the left with club President Dianne Templar) told members attending the weekly lunch meeting at Southside Church of Christ of the myriad of duties and responsibilities she has serving in her city judicial role. It involves much more than presiding over traffic and code violations.

      She typically holds three court sessions a month for matters involving citations and violations, but Keri is also called on to issue arrest and search warrants, magistrate incarcerated individuals, and presides over low-level juvenile criminal cases, among other duties she is called on to perform or execute.

      Keri Walden tells Rotarians serving as city judge about much more than holding traffic court 2023-06-07 05:00:00Z 0

      Farmer's Market growing like 'Crazy', Rotarians told

      Posted on May 17, 2023
      Let’s Grow Crazy’s Amy Lane (pictured left) and Michelle Burns updated Mineral Wells Rotarians today on the progress and success of the farmer’s market, located at 500 S.E 2nd Ave.
      They also surprised the club with a generous gesture.
      Michelle explained how the market has grown over its first two years in operation. It began with 13 vendors, and now has more than 30, with just a handful of those artisans. That means the majority are vendors selling local products like breads, fruits and meats all produced or sourced within 80 miles of Mineral Wells.
      The market is open 8 a.m.-noon the first and third Saturdays from April through October.
      Farmer's Market growing like 'Crazy', Rotarians told 2023-05-17 05:00:00Z 0

      Friends of Mineral Wells Animal Shelter's efforts are through the woof

      Posted on May 10, 2023
      Brooke Barnett today brought Chip Hicks to talk to Rotarians about Friends of Mineral Wells Shelter Pets and the efforts of 16 volunteers to raise monies, awareness and dedicate their time and resources to helping Animal Shelter, Mineral Wells, TX and the stray animals that find their way to the shelter.
      Chip said the volunteers last month donated a combined 400-plus hours to the shelter. He said nine volunteers use their personal vehicles and fuel to transport animals to rescue and adoption facilities and homes across the state. He said he has recently delivered animals as far aways as Wichita Falls and San Antonio.
      He said the shelter friends group raised more than $37,000 for the shelter last year, all of which went directly to the shelter (as opposed to the city’s general fund) to help with the shelter’s operations and costs and provide fixtures and supplies the city’s shelter budget does not cover.
      Friends of Mineral Wells Animal Shelter's efforts are through the woof 2023-05-10 05:00:00Z 0

      Super Troopers: Rotarians welcome DPS officers to meeting

      Posted on Apr 27, 2023
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells was honored to have three Texas Department of Public Safety troopers attend Wednesday's meeting and speak to club members.
      Rotarian and Palo Pinto County Attorney Maegan Hodgkins Kostiha, far right, brought, from left, DPS K-9 Trooper Kristi Cooper, Trooper Travis Alewine and Trooper Trey Blue.
      Trooper Blue talked about his role as a commercial vehicle enforcement officer and shared some of his favorite stories as a DPS trooper.
      Thank you, troopers, and all law enforcement officers for your service to the public.
      Super Troopers: Rotarians welcome DPS officers to meeting 2023-04-27 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians hear of Children's Alliance Center work protecting children, prosecuting predators

      Posted on Apr 20, 2023

      April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to focus on stopping the exploitation, neglect and abuse of society's most vulnerable. One way to do that is by ensuring those who abuse children are identified, arrested, prosecuted and punished in hopes they will not be able to harm another child.

      That is where Children's Alliance Center of Palo Pinto County comes in. Its staff works with agencies to prosecute child abusers, and provides counseling and programs designed for early intervention and prevention.

      Members of Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday heard from Rotarian and CACPPC Executive Director Linda Porter-Bradford (pictured second from right), who has announced her retirement after eight years at the agency's helm. She brought her staff – Multi-disciplinary Team and Community Outreach Coordinator Sheree Patterson (right), Forensic Interviewer Kaitlyn Cothrum (second from left) and Family Advocate Kelli Montelongo – who each described their roles within the agency.

      Porter-Bradford said CACPPC works with schools, law enforcement, courts and prosecutors to arrest and punish child abuse perpetrators. This often means difficult interviews with young victims, made more difficult because child abuse cases typically involve family members who have access to groom and gain the trust of their victims. Sometimes the abuse takes place continuously over months and years.

      Rotarians hear of Children's Alliance Center work protecting children, prosecuting predators 2023-04-20 05:00:00Z 0

      What's your beef?

      Posted on Apr 13, 2023

      If you enjoy steak, burgers or brisket, do you give much thought to the quality of beef you are throwing on the grill or placing in the oven?

      Campbell Decker (pictured above left with club President-Elect Mike Rankin) on Wednesday told Mineral Wells Rotarians that beefeaters should give more thought to their beef choices. While eating meat is good for you, eating high-quality beef that is 100% “grass-finished” is even better and healthier.

      Campbell and his wife, Claire, operate local producer Native Beef TX. Their products are pasture-to-table steaks and grounds coming from Angus breeds organically raised humanely and purely on grass. No grains are used. They do not use antibiotics, vaccines, chemicals, or added hormones. No pesticides or herbicides are used on their pastures located north and south of Mineral Wells.

      What's your beef? 2023-04-13 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians hear of the importance of giving the gift of life

      Posted on Apr 07, 2023

      Giving is good. As the giver it makes you feel good. It makes the recipient of your gift also feel good.

      Nothing feels better than giving a gift that can save someone's life. Especially when that gift is given without knowing who the beneficiary will be. You just know it is going to help someone in a big way.

      That is what donating blood is all about. Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday heard from Colleen Horan, field recruitment consultant for Carter Blood Care, on the importance of, and the need for, blood donations. She is pictured above on the left, with club President Dianne Templar.

      Rotarians hear of the importance of giving the gift of life 2023-04-07 05:00:00Z 0

      Living Crazy and healthy: Carol Elder speaks to Rotarians

      Posted on Apr 01, 2023

      When it comes to Mineral Wells's return to becoming a health and wellness destination, one can say it starts with the locally sourced, mineral-rich waters that spawned an industry and built the town a century ago.

      That all points directly to Crazy Water, the local mineral water brand known across Texas, the nation and around the world. It has been bottled and shipped from Mineral Wells also for more than a century. Today, Crazy Water is available in various forms and flavors, including the special blend and new flavors that come in bottles of 1877, the brand and label exclusively in HEB stores.

      Famous Water Co. co-owner Carol Elder (pictured above right with Program Chair Virginia Smith) was Wednesday's guest speaker. Carol gave club members the history of the once separate Famous Water and Crazy Water brands. She and her husband, Scott, regrew the company after they acquired it in 1999. several years ago they made the move to begin bottling their products in-house. They acquired the original Crazy Water bottling plant that for years has been known to locals as The Box Factory building.

      Living Crazy and healthy: Carol Elder speaks to Rotarians 2023-04-01 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Four-Way Speech contest winners announced

      Posted on Mar 31, 2023
      Club president Diane Templar, left, awards first-place winner
      Janelle Hanlon at Thursday's Four-Way Speech Contest, organized
      by Rotary Club of Mineral Wells. Janelle is a Mineral Wells High
      School sophomore.
      Three high school students were awarded scholarship prizes after competing in the annual Rotary Club of Mineral Wells Four-Way Speech Contest on Thursday in the Council Chambers at Mineral Wells City Hall Annex.
      A first-place scholarship prize of $1,000 went to Mineral Wells High School sophomore Janelle Hanlon. Mineral Wells High School senior Mason Facteau took home a second-place scholarship prize of $500. Third place and a $250 scholarship prize went to Rylan Buzbee, a Santo High School sophomore.
      A total of seven high school students competed in the judged oral contest, including Lilly Kuhn, Breanna Grogan, Tylie Sabbatini and Caeden Barker, all of Mineral Wells High School. The contest is open to all Palo Pinto County high school students.
      Judged by a panel of Mineral Wells Rotarians, contestants have five minutes to deliver a speech based on the four guiding Rotary International principles of:
      • Is it the truth?
      • Is it fair to all concerned?
      • Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
      • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
      As the winner, Janelle has the opportunity to win additional scholarship prizes by competing at the next level in the Rotary District 5790 Four-Way Speech competition.
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells awards thousands of dollars in scholarships annually, thanks to the community’s support of club fundraising projects, such as the holiday flags program.
      Club president Diane Templar, left, awards second-place winner Mason Facteau.
      Club president Diane Templar, left, awards third-place winner Rylan Buzbee.
      Rotary Four-Way Speech contest winners announced 2023-03-31 05:00:00Z 0

      Stevi Dahl's program is OnPoint

      Posted on Mar 10, 2023
      May be an image of 2 people
      This week's Program Chair Amy Jones, left, brought Stevi Dahl to talk about her new mobile therapy venture OnPoint IV Therapy.
      An emergency room nurse studying for her master's to become a family nurse practitioner, Stevi knows the importance of hydration and vitamins and how one's body absorbs those nutrients and fluids 100% when taken intravenously. Better health and an enhanced immune system are some the benefits of IV therapy.
      Get more information or schedule your mobile therapy session by calling 940-452-3126; email; on Facebook at OnPoint IV Therapy; or Instagram at Onpoint_IV_therapy.
      With several nurses onboard, Stevi can serve customers across Palo Pinto County, including PK Lake and into Graham.
      Thank you, Stevi, for your informative and interesting program on the benefits of IV therapy.
      Stevi Dahl's program is OnPoint 2023-03-10 06:00:00Z 0
      Welcome to the club, Coral 2023-03-10 06:00:00Z 0

      M.I.S. (Made in Strawn): Coach Dewaine Lee visits Mineral Wells Rotary

      Posted on Feb 23, 2023

      If all you knew of Strawn ISD Head Football Coach Dewaine Lee is what you see on the Friday night sidelines, you might think you don't want your son playing for such a coach.

      But then you wouldn't know the real Coach Lee. He is known as not just a great six-man football coach (as evidenced by Strawn's five state championships) but also a great coach of young people.

      If you are still not sure, watch “Texas 6,” a two-season documentary on Paramount+ about the Strawn High School football team, the players, their families, the town and – best of all Coach Lee, who now also serves as the school district's superintendent. You will get to know what he is all about and the kind of person he is.

      Coach Lee made a rescheduled appearance (he was iced out Feb. 1) at Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday, bringing with him his “righthand man” Assistant Coach John Eli. Rotarian Larry Eswein, a close friend of Coach Lee's, was program chair for the week.

      M.I.S. (Made in Strawn): Coach Dewaine Lee visits Mineral Wells Rotary 2023-02-23 06:00:00Z 0

      Signs of the Times

      Posted on Feb 18, 2023
      This week's Program Chair George Garza, left, brought 180 Signs owner Derrick Perez to discuss his successful business that makes custom apparel, banners, signs and more.
      He began his business out of his mother's home. Today, 180 Signs is located in Brazos Mall with a handful of employees and an array of modern graphics and production equipment.
      Thank you, Derrick, for sharing the story of your success with the club, and we wish you much more success in the years to come.
      Signs of the Times 2023-02-18 06:00:00Z 0

      Harris Brooks discusses how CSSI works with companies to lower property taxes

      Posted on Jan 26, 2023
      Rotarian Harris Brooks, left, was Wednesday’s meeting program speaker. He is pictured with the club’s President-elect Mike Rankin.
      Harris gave an overview of the company he works for, Cost Segregation Services Inc., or CSSI. The company works with for-profit organizations with large real property assets to reduce their IRS tax liabilities through accelerated depreciation and repair regulations studies. 
      Harris said the company has conducted tens of thousands of surveys for organizations. Depreciations can be scheduled over a term of years, as many as 39 years. Reducing tax liability through depreciations will, in turn, improve an organization’s operational cash flow.
      Harris said he is ready to talk to any for-profit organization who would like to discuss accelerated depreciation of real property, or discuss with your CPA how CSSI’s plans work and are an acceptable means of reducing taxes on real property.
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meets every Wednesday at noon at Southside Church of Christ for lunch, fellowship, updates on club news and projects and a program of interest. For more information, go to
      Harris Brooks discusses how CSSI works with companies to lower property taxes 2023-01-26 06:00:00Z 0

      Local optometrist Dr. Tyler McLemore presents eye-opening program

      Posted on Jan 19, 2023

      Do things look a little hazy, even on a clear day?

      You look someone straight in the face, but they are blocked from your vision?

      Notice your peripheral vision is not what it used to be?

      And just what are those little black, squiggly things floating around?

      Dr. Tyler McLemore, O.D., said they are all signs of deteriorating vision caused by conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, detached retinas, or other visionary ailments, most typically the result of aging.

      The Mineral Wells optometrist, married and the father of four, operates eye care centers inside Walmarts in Mineral Wells and Weatherford. He was the guest speaker at Wednesday's weekly meeting.

      Local optometrist Dr. Tyler McLemore presents eye-opening program 2023-01-19 06:00:00Z 1

      GIVING 100%

      Posted on Jan 13, 2023
      May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'FO! fthe things we thin first... secon STEELE Rotary Rotary EVERY ROTARIAN EVERY YEAR CLUB US$100 PER CAPITA MEMBER P PARTICIPATION 2020-2021 US$100 GIVING AVERAGE 100% MEMBER 2020-2021'
      Rotary District 5790 District Governor Dan Steele, also a Mineral Wells Rotarian, presents club President-Elect Mike Rankin, right, with two banners acknowledging Rotary Club of Mineral Wells and its members giving an average of at $100 each.
      These are important designations that show the generosity of club members, who recognize the importance of giving to #RotaryFoundation to help provide important humanitarian projects around the world.
      Great job, Mineral Wells Rotarians.
      GIVING 100% 2023-01-13 06:00:00Z 0

      WAR STORIES: National Vietnam War Museum's new director speaks to Rotarians

      Posted on Jan 11, 2023

      Ean Tillett, the new and first director of the National Vietnam War Museum, shared some exciting news with Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members on Wednesday.

      Tillett said groundbreaking is scheduled to occur in October on Phase II of the museum building. A formal date will be set late.

      The main museum building represents the first of four planned phases, opened last June. The two-level building houses its collections and gift shop, displays leading visitors through a history of the Vietnam War and Mineral Wells' role in the war as home to Fort Wolters, the U.S. Army's primary training base during the war.

      WAR STORIES: National Vietnam War Museum's new director speaks to Rotarians 2023-01-11 06:00:00Z 1

      ON THE BALL! Connie draws the ace

      May be an image of 2 people and people standing
      Connie Ball, right, today had her entry ticket drawn, and she proceeded to pull the ace of spades from the card deck, resulting in her splitting the progressive pot that totaled $312.
      That means $156 will go to the Rotary International Foundation and Connie received the other $156.
      As expected, Connie donated her portion entirely to the Foundation, so that is where all $312 will go to help people around the world. Congrats and thank you, Connie Ball.
      She is pictured with club President (and birthday girl) Dianne Templar.
      ON THE BALL! Connie draws the ace 2022-12-21 06:00:00Z 0

      Tourism efforts topic of Wednesday program

      Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce Tourism and Marketing Director Rose Jordan, center, returned to the club Wednesday to update the club on the shift towards marketing Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County as a health and wellness destination. She is pictured above with Program Chair Crystal Cameron, left, and Club President Dianne Templar.
      Jordan told club members about the Chamber’s “You’re Well-come” hospitality training program that is helping local businesses train employees on what to know and say to visitors when they ask, “What is there to do around here?”
      The Chamber has been working with State Rep. Glenn Rogers’ office to designate Palo Pinto County, “The Wellness Capital of Texas.” That legislation will be introduced when the state’s lawmakers meet in session beginning in January. It is anticipated it will pass.
      Tourism efforts topic of Wednesday program 2022-12-21 06:00:00Z 0

      GIVING BACK: Club presents donation to Grace House Pregnancy Center

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells President Dianne Templar, right, presents Molly McCullough, coordinator for the Grace House Ministries Pregnancy Center in Mineral Wells, with a check for $2,700 to help purchase supplies and resources for the center.
      The monies come from Rotary District 5790 designated funds, which are derived through the generous giving of Rotarians from across the district.
      The new center is located at 400-D S.E. 1st St. Call 817-934-6431.
      GIVING BACK: Club presents donation to Grace House Pregnancy Center 2022-12-21 06:00:00Z 0

      Let's Get Physical

      Thank you Dr. Joe Kirkman, clinical director of Haynes Physical Therapy for speaking to club members today about some of the therapies available at the clinic, and how to access services.
      Haynes Physical Therapy is located downtown in Lynch Plaza at the intersection of US 281 and US 180.
      Call 940-412-9200 for information or an appointment.
      Let's Get Physical 2022-12-14 06:00:00Z 0

      Wrap Session

      Mineral Wells Rotarians took part in Tuesday night's wrap session for Tommy’s Angel Tree inside the Steve Perdue Training Center.
      Deliveries take place this Saturday beginning at 8 a.m. Volunteers are welcome to help deliver toys.
      Wrap Session 2022-12-14 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Christmas Social 2022

      Rotary Christmas Social 2022
      Our Rotary Christmas Social was held at the Women's Club.  Surrounded by good friends, fun, food, and games.  It was the perfect place and night to celebrate Christmas with each other.  
      Rotary Christmas Social 2022 2022-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

      2022 Veterans Day Program

      Rotarians Making a Difference

      The Rotary Club of Mineral Wells was honored to take on a small service project for the American Legion’s Veterans Day program.  Several of our Rotarians volunteered to hand out American Flags to all the guests that attended the 39th Annual Veterans Day event at Ram Stadium. What an amazing event!  We were also thrilled to hear from guest speaker, Rotarian, Major Joe G. Biles. Joe graduated from...
      2022 Veterans Day Program Karyn Bullock 2022-11-14 06:00:00Z 0
      Subscribe or Renew Your Flags Across Mineral Wells Subscription Today! 2022-11-07 06:00:00Z 0 american flags,holidays,support

      New Member Orientation

      New Member Orientation a Great Success!
      On Wednesday, November 3rd Harris Brooks presented a 2022-23 New Member Orientation program. His presentation included good information for both new and long-time Rotarians. The orientation document is available here. Feel free to download and share it, or access and read it anytime.
      New Member Orientation 2022-11-07 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club welcomes new member Teri Richardson

      Posted on May 12, 2022
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday formally welcomed Teri Richardson as a new member.
      This community dynamo and her husband, Jack, own JR Disposal, LLC, which services rural customers in a four-county region.
      Welcome to Rotary, Teri. We look forward to our fellowship and your participation in our projects and goals.
      Rotary Club welcomes new member Teri Richardson 2022-05-12 05:00:00Z 0

      Giving Day

      Posted on May 12, 2022
      It was "Giving Day" at Wednesday's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting. The club presented community grants to Mineral Wells Senior Center and Boyce Ditto Public Library.
      Linda Daniel Choate, Senior Center executive director, spoke to Rotarians about the center and its offerings. She read comments from participants about how much the center means to them. Members of the center's Board of Directors were also present.
      Judy Jackson, executive director for Back Pack Buddies Mineral Wells was also present and thanked the club and Rotary Interact for its support of the program and the new Rams Care closet at Mineral Wells High School.
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells thanks the community for its support that allows for grants and support of worthy community organizations.
      Giving Day 2022-05-12 05:00:00Z 0

      City Manager Dean Sullivan discusses city, county agreement to begin street repairs

      Posted on May 04, 2022
      May be an image of 1 person
      We were honored to have Mineral Wells City Manager Dean Sullivan speak at today's meeting. Dean discussed ongoing projects, including the development of Mineral Wells Regional Airport and the Turkey Peak reservoir project.
      But the really good news is that one of the first things Sullivan as city manager tackled, and accomplished, is an interlocal agreement with Palo Pinto County Commissioners to begin improving city streets. The city will provide the engineering and materials, and all four county commissioners will provide the equipment and manpower for improvements designated in their precincts within the city. In the last quarter of this fiscal year about 4 miles will be repaired, with plans to do 25 miles of streets each year so that in five years all 132 miles of city-maintained streets will be repaired.
      The county agreement will address streets where subgrade infrastructure repairs are not needed. Sullivan said about 25 miles of streets need water and sewer repairs below the street and will require the city to make those upgrades. Still, Sullivan said residents will soon begin seeing roads and streets improved.
      Mineral Wells City Council approved the interlocal agreement Tuesday. County commissioners approved the agreement last week. Thank you Dean Sullivan for making this happen and bringing the city and county together in this partnership. Thank you city council and county commissioners for approving the agreement.
      Attending the meeting with Sullivan were Mineral Wells Economic Director David Hawes and Finance Director Jason Breisch. Rotarian Tonya Gary was this week's program chair.
      City Manager Dean Sullivan discusses city, county agreement to begin street repairs 2022-05-04 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club donates books to Jacksboro ISD

      Posted on May 04, 2022
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today presented $500 worth of books to Jacksboro ISD for its elementary school library damaged by the devastating March tornado.
      Pictured with some of the donated books are Jacksboro ISD Superintendent Brad Burnett and JISD Director of Instruction Kristi Daws. Presenting the books on behalf of the club are club President Karyn Bullock, left, and Connie Ball, who coordinated the donation with JISD.
      Rotary Club donates books to Jacksboro ISD 2022-05-04 05:00:00Z 0

      Community Christian School presents One-Act Play ahead of state competition

      Mineral Wells Rotarians were treated last week to a performance by Community Christian School Mineral Wells’ One-Act Play troupe, performing a portion of its contest play, “King of the Moon.”
      They recently swept #TCAF district contest honors, and next week will host state #OAP contest. Public performances will be available. Watch Community Christian School Mineral Wells' Facebook page for info and details.
      Thanks to Doug Jefferson for bringing this talented group of students to our meeting to perform and share your success. Best of luck (er, break a leg!)
      Community Christian School presents One-Act Play ahead of state competition 2022-05-02 05:00:00Z 0

      All's ale that ends ale: Brian, Kristy Miller of Rickhouse Brewery serve update on new business

      Posted on Apr 06, 2022
      Rickhouse Brewing owners Brian Miller and Kristy Beck Miller returned to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today to bring club members up to date on their new tavern venture.
      Their official grand opening was Friday. They are now open seven days a week, located on the southeast corner of Crazy Water Plaza downtown.
      All ales sold at Rickhouse are brewed there. Brian said he will typically keep about 16 varieties on tap, some which will be seasonal ales. They also offer wine. There will be some food offerings, but they have partnered with downtown restaurants to deliver food to customers at Rickhouse.
      Brian said the brewery is more than a business, it is meant to be a destination.
      The Millers are pictured with program Chair Raymond Greenwood.
      All's ale that ends ale: Brian, Kristy Miller of Rickhouse Brewery serve update on new business 2022-04-06 05:00:00Z 0

      WELCOME BACK! Larry Eswein, Harris Brooks return to club

      Posted on Apr 06, 2022
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today welcomed back into membership two familiar faces. Both are past presidents of the club.
      Rejoining the club are Larry Eswein, left, and Harris Brooks, right. They are pictured with club President Karyn Bullock.
      We are glad to have both gentlemen back. Their past Rotary experience and leadership are assets for the club.
      WELCOME BACK! Larry Eswein, Harris Brooks return to club 2022-04-06 05:00:00Z 0

      Help Ukrainians through Rotary's disaster relief fund

      Mineral Wells Rotarians are joining Rotarians worldwide to help the victims of Russia’s attack on the Ukrainian people by sponsoring locally Rotary International’s disaster relief fund drive.
      Rotarians are purchasing yard signs that contain a QR code that, when scanned using your smart device’s camera, will take you to the Rotary International webpage where you can make a contribution to the fund through April 30. If you wish, you can make the donation in someone’s honor or memory. Shown holding one of the signs are club President Karyn Bullock, left, and club Community Service Chair Connie Ball.
      The direct donation link is The donation link can also be found on Rotary Club of Mineral Wells' homepage at
      Thanks to the generosity of Rotary members and others, as of March 18, the fund has received more than $3.2 million in contributions. These funds are being distributed to Rotary districts that apply for Disaster Response grants and will be used to provide relief to refugees or other victims of the crisis, including items such as water, food, shelter, medicine and clothing.
      Anyone who would like to purchase a yard sign for $5 each can call or text club President Karyn Bullock at 940-452-1602.
      According to Rotary International, “More than 2 million people have fled Ukraine and are in dire need of emergency aid. The United Nations estimates that number could grow to as many as 5 million people displaced. Rotary clubs in Europe and around the world have stepped up their relief work, some working on the ground to help displaced families.
      “We will continue to monitor the situation in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Visit My Rotary and follow Rotary on social media to stay updated on how clubs can get involved and what actions Rotary members have taken and the impact it has had for people in the region.”
      Rotarians worldwide stand with the people of Ukraine.
      Help Ukrainians through Rotary's disaster relief fund 2022-03-23 05:00:00Z 0

      Thanks, Rotary

      Houston Elementary School third-grader Johnathan Yanez, a student in Mrs. Kuhn’s class, visited Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today at the request of Rotarian Lyn Butcher.
      Lyn read to Johnathan’s class a couple of weeks ago as part of the club’s literacy project.
      Writing his own speech, Johnathan thanked the club for all it does in the community. Also pictured, on the left, is club President Karyn Bullock.
      Thanks, Rotary 2022-03-16 05:00:00Z 0

      CARE BY AIR: Air Evac Lifeteam lands at Rotary

      Posted on Mar 09, 2022
      Rhonda Dean, of Air Evac Lifeteam, was today's speaker for this week's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells program, though she turned much of the speaker duties over to her husband, David. Rhonda is pictured with this week's program chair Mike Rankin.
      Mike told Rotarians he knows firsthand the benefits of having membership with a medical air care organization like Air Evac Lifeteam. He had to be flown and, without having coverage and including his in-flight medical care, faced a bill totaling more than $62,000.
      Air Evac Lifeteam ( has a longstanding contract with, and is based at, Palo Pinto General Hospital as the primary medical air company serving Palo Pinto County. They are also part of the AirMedCare Network ( Along with three other companies, the network provides helicopter, fixed-wing and ground medical care in over 300 communities in 38 states.
      "An Air Evac Lifeteam membership (participating provider in the AirMedCare Network) costs just $85 per year for your entire household (senior discounts are available). More than 3 million people are covered by the AirMedCare Network. Membership covers you for emergency transport with participating providers across 38 states," according to the company's website.
      As Rhonda stated, you might never need to be flown in an emergency to a hospital, but if you do, you will be glad you had membership in Air Evac Lifeteam or other company providing air medical coverage in your area, even if you have a health insurance policy as coverages vary.
      CARE BY AIR: Air Evac Lifeteam lands at Rotary 2022-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

      Ryan Carter claims Four-Way Speech contest scholarship

      Posted on Mar 04, 2022
      Mineral Wells High School senior Ryan Carter on Thursday won a $1,000 Rotary Club scholarship for his Four-Way Speech Contest oration.
      His topic was the lack of fairness in the NCAA’s new name, image and likeness rules. Ryan followed in his older sisters’ footsteps by competing.
      He said he plans to advance to regional competition in hopes of winning more scholarship monies. Congrats, Ryan.
      He is pictured with contest emcee Linda Porter-Bradford and club President Karyn Bullock.
      Contest judges were Stacie Frye, Sarah Hahs and Lyn Butcher. George Garza served as time keeper.
      Ryan Carter claims Four-Way Speech contest scholarship 2022-03-04 06:00:00Z 0

      Tourism Director Rose Jordan targeting health, wellness destination seekers

      Posted on Mar 03, 2022
      Rotarian Program Chair for the week Cory Crenshaw invited Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce Tourism Director Rose McCombs Jordan to speak to the club about the chamber's shift in its tourism marketing strategy to target health and wellness destination travelers and seekers.
      Rose told Rotarians it is a return to the town's founding roots as a health and wellness destination, and said no other community in Texas is positioned as well as MIneral Wells to be that kind of destination, and that no other Texas community actively promotes itself as a health and wellness destination. Wellness travel in 2019 was a $700 billion market nationally and is a $4 trillion market globally.
      Rose talked about the health and wellness assets currently present, and discussed the ongoing look into creating a Blue Zone healthy community.
      She also brought her "Destination Bingo" game, handing out prizes for those who have visited the most destinations on the playing card. Rose is very passionate about Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County and is very knowledgeable about tourism and works hard in her endeavors to market and promote the area.
      Tourism Director Rose Jordan targeting health, wellness destination seekers 2022-03-03 06:00:00Z 0

      Mineral Wells Rotary Seeking Palo Pinto County High School Students to attend RYLA

      Posted on Feb 28, 2022
      Each summer, Rotary Club of Mineral Wells sponsors four high school students from Palo Pinto County schools to attend a four-day RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) camp. If chosen, the student will spend four days in a challenging program of discussions, inspirational addresses, leadership training and social activities designed to enhance personal development, leadership skills and good citizenship.
      This year, this superb educational retreat will be held on the beautiful campus of Tarleton State University in Stephenville. Students will have the opportunity to exchange ideas about current issues and discuss leadership and personal development with knowledgeable local and regional leaders including many Rotarians. It is a fun-filled week of participating in community service projects, team building exercises, ice cream socials, chuckwagon dinner, and a DJ party.
      Attendance at RYLA is by scholarship only. Students must be a high school junior or senior in the Fall of 2022 and between the ages of 16 and 18. Dates of the camp are June 16-19, 2022. All winners are selected and funded by the Rotary Club of Mineral Wells and transportation will be provided.
      Access the online application here.
      Mineral Wells Rotary Seeking Palo Pinto County High School Students to attend RYLA   2022-02-28 06:00:00Z 0

      KEEPING IT CLEAN: JR Disposal a family-owned company built on honesty, relationships

      Posted on Feb 23, 2022
      During a meeting last week with the City of Mineral Wells’ new solid waste contractor, a company representative spoke afterward with Jack and Teri Richardson after realizing they are the company with “the black trucks and dumpsters.” He complimented the Richardsons on how clean and nice their trucks and equipment are kept.
      That is a reflection on how Jack and Teri run their family-owned solid waste company. While their modern service trucks are always shiny and clean, their primary focus is on providing quality customer service based on building long-term relationships while also treating their employees with respect and appreciation. Honesty with a proven track record of quality customer service spanning more than three decades is the foundation upon what JR Disposal is built upon.
      This week’s program Chair Brooke Barnett invited Jack and Teri to Wednesday’s Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting to talk about JR Disposal – even as the couple fretted about one of their nice, clean trucks making it to Fort Worth and back during potentially icy roadway conditions.
      KEEPING IT CLEAN: JR Disposal a family-owned company built on honesty, relationships 2022-02-23 06:00:00Z 0

      CASA staff, volunteers advocate for abused, neglected children

      Posted on Feb 17, 2022

      While April is designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month, preventing abuse to children is the focus every day for many organizations and volunteers like those at CASA-Hope For Children.

      The non-profit agency serves Palo Pinto and Parker counties, providing trained, court-appointed guardian ad litem volunteers assigned to help oversee children placed into foster and CPS care. The advocates observe and visit the children to then make reports to judges in the courts where cases of abuse and custody are pending. Those reports are taken into consideration by the judge when determining the permanent or long-term placement of the children.

      Rotarians on Wednesday heard from CASA-Hope For Children Executive Director Kathy Meyer, pictured left, and the agency's training director Christina Phenix, right. Also pictured is Rotarian and CASA-Hope For Children Program Director Monica Riedlinger, who was this week's program chair.

      CASA staff, volunteers advocate for abused, neglected children 2022-02-17 06:00:00Z 0
      Rotary welcomes a new member, by George 2022-02-03 06:00:00Z 0

      C.A.R.E.-ing for animals in Palo Pinto County

      Posted on Feb 03, 2022

      C.A.R.E. (Community Animal Rescue Effort) is a 14-year-old non-profit, all-volunteer organization that began in the Strawn area as a way to effectively control pet populations in rural Palo Pinto County through rescuing, sheltering and fostering of strays.

      Founder and Executive Director Peggy McQueary, center, along with Treasurer Susan Wynn, left, spoke to Rotarians Wednesday. They were invited by this week's program chair Nancy Cameron.

      C.A.R.E. Is also heavily involved in programs and services to control pet populations through spaying and neutering efforts, and works to educate the public on responsible pet ownership. Their efforts are also focused on developing healthier animals and helping to end the suffering and abuse many animals endure – whether wild or domesticated.

      C.A.R.E.-ing for animals in Palo Pinto County 2022-02-03 06:00:00Z 0

      Cheers! Bankhead Texas Wine Bar readies to open

      Posted on Jan 28, 2022
      Rotarians on Wednesday heard more details about the new Bankhead Texas Wine Bar opening very soon in downtown Mineral Wells. It is located on West Hubbard Street, across from Coffee & Cocktails 76067 and along the Commons Plaza. Pictured, from left, are manager Julie Dennis, co-owners Zinn Brown, Danny Kissinger and Hebron Burkhall, and this week's program chair Lyn Butcher.
      Burkhall said they intend for the wine bar to become the destination for North Texas wine lovers, and perhaps lead to Mineral Wells one day replacing Fredricksburg as one of the top wine tasting and production destinations in Texas. After all, Palo Pinto County is located in the Northern Hill Country, an extension of the Central Hill Country that is considered the heart of Texas’ wine production and tasting destinations.
      Cheers! Bankhead Texas Wine Bar readies to open 2022-01-28 06:00:00Z 0

      David Adams has an eye for eyewear and for creating art

      Posted on Jan 21, 2022

      David Adams has always had an eye for fashionable eyewear. Over the last three years, he has developed an eye – and a talent – for creating art. Specifically, stained glass art.

      The owner of Adams Fashion Optical and his wife, Allison, own a large historic residential property on N.W. 4th Avenue that features stained glass. When he need some of it repaired, he took it to an artist in Bridgeport.

      Watching her work, and the tools she was using, David realized this was something he believed he could learn and do – and so at the age of 55 David suddenly became a stained glass artist.

      David Adams has an eye for eyewear and for creating art 2022-01-21 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club welcomes new member Jennifer Russell 

      Posted on Jan 19, 2022

      Today Rotary Club of Mineral Wells welcomed new member Jennifer Russell, center.
      Jennifer is the business development specialist and marketer at Palo Pinto Nursing Center. She was sponsored into the club by Kimbo Gill Stack, right, administrator at Palo Pinto Nursing & Rehab Center. Also pictured is club President Karyn Bullock.
      Welcome to Rotary International Jennifer. We look forward to our fellowship, camaraderie and together serving our community.
      Rotary Club welcomes new member Jennifer Russell  2022-01-19 06:00:00Z 0

      A CARING PROGRAM: Team from Mineral Wells Nursing and Rehab visits Rotary

      Posted on Jan 15, 2022

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday received a program on Mineral Wells Nursing and Rehab. Located adjacent to Palo Pinto General Hospital, MWN&R provides short- and long-term care, therapies and a host of care and respite services.

      Program share Meagan Martin invited the team from MWN&R to speak, which included her mother, Shelley Owen, Area Director of Operations. Social worker Amy Tunnel and facility Administrator Cody Akridge.

      The facility is especially known for keeping its residents active and engaged.

      Mineral Wells Nursing and Rehab is part of the Creative Solutions in Healthcare family network, which includes more than 100 care facilities across Texas. Learn more about Mineral Wells Nursing and Rehab at

      A CARING PROGRAM: Team from Mineral Wells Nursing and Rehab visits Rotary 2022-01-15 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club presents Let's Grow Crazy check for $4,200

      Posted on Jan 12, 2022
      May be an image of 3 people and people standing
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today presented Let's Grow Crazy Farmer's Market a check for $4,200 in support of the market's community garden and planned education resource center.
      Club President Karyn Bullock, right, presented the check to Amy Ringo Lane and Tai Silva.
      The monies come from an annual club grant it matches with funds from Rotary District 5790 and Rotary International for community projects.
      Let's Grow Crazy has volunteer workdays on Saturdays. Follow them on Facebook to find out when those are, or other ways to take part in their mission of providing healthier food choices and supporting local growers and producers.
      Rotary Club presents Let's Grow Crazy check for $4,200 2022-01-12 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary announces date for Four-Way Speech Contest

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells will host its annual Four-Speech Contest on Thursday, March 3, 2022.
      The contest will take place in the Community Room of the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce beginning at 6 p.m.
      The contest is open to all high school students in Palo Pinto County. It is an oral competition whereby contestants deliver a speech and are judged by their incorporation of Rotary Club’s four guiding principles:
      Is It The Truth?
      Is It Fair To All Concerned?
      Will It Build Good Will and Better Friendships?
      Is It Beneficial To All Concerned?
      At stake are scholarship prizes of $1,000, $500 and $250. The winner can advance to district competition with the chance of winning additional scholarship prizes.
      If you are a Palo Pinto County High School student and would like to compete, please contact your school’s counselor or administrator.
      Rotary announces date for Four-Way Speech Contest 2022-01-06 06:00:00Z 0

      RESERVOIR DOGS: Rotarians hear from two responsible for watching over Possum Kingdom Lake and Morris Shepard Dam

      Posted on Dec 19, 2021
      This past Wednesday we welcomed Randall McCartney, center, Reservoir Manager for the Brazos River Authority at Possum Kingdom Lake, and Troy Weatherhead, left, Project Manager for BRA at PK Lake's Morris Shepard Dam.
      They provided information on how BRA manages the lake, Brazos River and the watershed, the largest in the state of Texas. They are pictured with program Chair Sabrina Sparkman.
      Randall served in the United States Marine Corps and after an honorable discharge, he returned home and attended Texas A&M University in College Station.  While attending Texas A&M he worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake Somerville and continued that career after graduation.
      RESERVOIR DOGS: Rotarians hear from two responsible for watching over Possum Kingdom Lake and Morris Shepard Dam 2021-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

      Mr. Rogers goes to Rotary

      Posted on Dec 10, 2021
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells was honored Wednesday to have as guest speaker State Representative Glenn Rogers, pictured center, holding a book donated to Mineral Wells High School in his name.
      Pictured with Rep. Rogers, from left, are club President Karyn Bullock, program chair Janette Green and Rep. Rogers' staff members MaKayla Arthur and Jordyn Senkirik.
      Thank you, Rep. Rogers, for meeting with us and serving your district and all Texans.
      Mr. Rogers goes to Rotary 2021-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club salutes its flag program partners

      Posted on Dec 10, 2021
      Six organizations partner with Rotary Club of Mineral Wells to service the club's six flag routes, placing and picking up U.S. flags to subscribers on six holidays. Each group receives $1,000 for their efforts.
      On Wednesday, three of the groups received their checks. At far left, Lupe Williams received the check on behalf of Zee's American Tae Kwon Do. At far right, Candi Wallis Harrison received the check for The Beat Dance Factory. Next to her is Ryan Carter, accepting for the Rotary Interact Club at Mineral Wells High School. Also pictured is Rotary Club flag program chair David May.
      The other three organizations that will receive checks are Indian Creek Baptist Church, MWHS Project Graduation for Class of 2022 and First United Methodist Church Youth.
      Thank you, organizations, for your partnership and for helping us share national patriotism and pride on our holidays.
      Rotary Club salutes its flag program partners 2021-12-10 06:00:00Z 0

      PPGH adding and expanding to meet the needs of growing county

      Posted on Dec 03, 2021
      To say the last nearly two years of treating and managing a global pandemic has been difficult for the nurses, doctors and staff at Palo Pinto General Hospital would be a gross understatement.
      However, the vision of the hospital’s administrators and trustees never wavered. Plans were perhaps delayed in some cases, but progress was always going forward behind the scenes.
      Rotarian and Hospital CEO Ross Korkmas on Wednesday brought club members current on recent service additions and expansions and new providers over the past couple of years. He is pictured with this week's program Chair Megan Hudson.
      PPGH adding and expanding to meet the needs of growing county 2021-12-03 06:00:00Z 0

      District Governor Kayla Christianson visits club

      Posted on Nov 18, 2021

      Rotary District 5790 Governor Kayla Christianson said a lot of people are Rotarians – they just don't know it.

      That is because they share Rotarians' desires and efforts to serve their communities. Identifying those people and bringing them into Rotary would not only help clubs grow and thrive but would also help Rotary Club fulfill its mission and vision of “Service Above Self.”

      Kayla, pictured center, visited Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday sharing her vision of Rotary and her goals for the district during her governorship. Also pictured are District 5790 Governor-elect Dan Steele and club President Karyn Bullock, presenting Kayla with a gift basket to honor her visit.

      District Governor Kayla Christianson visits club 2021-11-18 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotarian Connie Ball reaches eighth level of Paul Harris giving

      Posted on Nov 11, 2021
      Rotarian Connie Ball, center, was presented a pin reflecting her reaching her eighth level of Paul Harris Society fellowship.

      The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. A Paul Harris Society member achieves a level with each $1,000 in giving.

      The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.

      Club Foundation Chair Dr. Wesley Wermuth presented Connie with her new pin along with club President Karyn Bullock.

      Rotarian Connie Ball reaches eighth level of Paul Harris giving 2021-11-11 06:00:00Z 0

      Mineral Wells police serve and protect people and pets

      Posted on Oct 30, 2021

      Whether you have two legs or four, Mineral Wells Police Sgt. Neal Davis serves and protects.

      The Mineral Wells Animal Shelter falls under the operational control of the MWPD, and Sgt. Davis directly oversees the shelter for the department and the citizens of Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County. Thanks to a participatory funding agreement with the county, the shelter is available to all county residents.

      The shelter is located at 101 F Road 2256 at U.S. Highway 281 South. The shelter offers a variety of free and low-cost services throughout the year such as vaccinations, microchipping and adoption fairs. The shelter often operates at capacity but works hard with various animal foster and adoption organizations to place animals and give them a chance at finding a permanent and loving home.

      Program chair Crystal Cameron brought Sgt. Davis to Wednesday's meeting as this past week's guest speaker.

      Mineral Wells police serve and protect people and pets 2021-10-30 05:00:00Z 0

      Membership anniversaries

      Posted on Oct 23, 2021
      We proved today you can have your cake and eat it, too. With some ice cream on the side. Rotarians today celebrated two membership anniversaries. Connie Ball, left, marked her 18th year in Rotary. Linda Porter-Bradford marked her 11th year of #ServiceAboveSelf. Thank you, ladies, for all you do in Rotary and our community.
      Membership anniversaries 2021-10-23 05:00:00Z 0
      A new addition to the Paul Harris Society 2021-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Foundation and End Polio Now

      Posted on Oct 23, 2021
      Rotary District 5790 #EndPolioNow Chairman Jon Bullock, second from right, visited the club Wednesday to speak and recognize the club for once again having every member donate to Rotary International’s #EndPolioNow campaign.
      Rotarians for nearly four decades have worked to help eradicate polio — which is very close to becoming reality. Just two cases in the world have been reported this year and those were both in January, Jon said. He provided a history of polio and the vaccines developed, as well as how Rotary International members worked to help deliver and innoculate people around the world.
      He also recognized Connie Ball, Dan Steele and Karyn Bullock for their individual donations to Rotary’s #EndPolioNow fund.
      Rotary Foundation and End Polio Now 2021-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

      United Way campaign underway

      Posted on Oct 15, 2021
      Thanks to United Way of Palo Pinto County Executive Director Barbara Tucker (left) for speaking to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday about this year's United Way campaign that is currently underway.
      This year's goal is $120,000. All local donations stay in Palo Pinto County to benefit 11 participating non-profit organizations providing direct services to residents of all ages throughout the county.
      To make a donation or pledge, go to Barb is pictured with club President Karyn Bullock. #donatelocal
      United Way campaign underway 2021-10-15 05:00:00Z 0

      Community Christian School growing, planning for the future

      Posted on Oct 09, 2021
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed Jan Jefferson, left, and her husband, Doug Jefferson, to Wednesday's meeting to talk about Community Christian School, where Doug is the administrator.
      The private Christian school has more than 100 students in pre-K through high school. CCS is known for its strong performance in academics and athletics all within a Biblically-based curriculum and guidance. The school produced Weatherford College's first dual-diploma graduate and has had at least one student earn both their college associate's degree and high school diploma each year since.
      Doug said CCS is growing and is planning for the growth coming to Mineral Wells. He said the school property is for sale. Sale proceeds will go to renovating a new property that has been gifted to the school.
      Thank you Jan and Doug for your leadership, service and love of all things Mineral Wells! They are pictured with program chair Beth Henary Watson.
      Community Christian School growing, planning for the future 2021-10-09 05:00:00Z 0

      Aging gracefully with Lori Hopper

      Posted on Sep 17, 2021
      Rotarians on Wednesday welcomed Lori Hopper, FNP-C, (pictured right) who talked about the services offered at her Texas Healthy Aging and Hormone Therapy at her clinic located at 2517 Hwy 180 West, Ste. A, in Mineral Wells (the intersection of US 180 West and SW 25th Avenue).
      Lori and her experienced staff offer an array of services from general medical services to hormone replacement therapies, anti-aging and laser services, botox treatments, non-surgical facelifts, hair removal -- even toe fungus treatment. To learn more about all of the services offered, and the pricing, visit
      Lori is pictured with this week's program chair Connie Ball.
      Aging gracefully with Lori Hopper 2021-09-17 05:00:00Z 0

      Crazy Days Ahead

      Posted on Sep 03, 2021
      Famous Water Company co-owner Carol Elder, pictured on the right with Rotary Club President Karyn Bullock, was Wednesday’s guest speaker, giving Rotarians a preview of the upcoming 41st Annual Crazy Water Festival on the weekend of Oct. 8-9.
      Plans for this year’s festival are going full-steam ahead. Carol said sponsorships are up along and vendor booth reservations are very strong.
      This year’s festival will kick off with the traditional Friday night Crazy Car Cruz through town. That will be followed by a concert at Texas Frontier Trails’ Western Heritage Park featuring Kevin Fowler and Mark Powell. Carol said tickets for the Friday night concert, beginning at 7 p.m., are limited and going fast. Purchase concert tickets online at
      Crazy Days Ahead 2021-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

      New Palo Pinto Nursing Home administrator joins club

      Posted on Aug 28, 2021
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed another member to the club. Kimbo Gill Stack (right) is the new administrator at Palo Pinto Nursing Center. She was already a Rotarian and joins the club on transfer of membership from the Crowell club.
      Welcome to Mineral Wells and our club. We look forward to your fellowship and participation as we strive to put #ServiceAboveSelf. Kim is pictured with club President Karyn Bullock.
      New Palo Pinto Nursing Home administrator joins club 2021-08-28 05:00:00Z 0

      IN THE ZONE: Rotarians hear about Blue Zones community initiative

      Posted on Aug 27, 2021

      Palo Pinto General Hospital Nurse Practitioner Carla Hay-Perdue on Wednesday brought Mineral Wells Rotarians up to date on the local Blue Zones initiative. Carla is pictured on the right alongside club President Karyn Bullock.

      Led by PPGH, entities across Palo Pinto County are collaboratively taking part in the discussions on the effort to transform the county into a certified Blue Zone health-conscious community, working with governments and businesses to create a culture of healthy choices and options for residents to improve lives by reducing obesity and the issues that come with it like diabetes and high blood pressure, thereby helping people live longer, happier and healthier lives.

      Not only do Blue Zones help improve the lives of people living in the community, it also helps draw people and families who seek healthier lifestyles and choices. Mineral Wells is beginning a shift back to becoming a health and wellness community.

      IN THE ZONE: Rotarians hear about Blue Zones community initiative 2021-08-27 05:00:00Z 0

      Mineral Wells Youth Sports Assoc. ready to kick off 2021 season

      Posted on Aug 19, 2021
      The Mineral Wells Youth Sports Association is ready to kick off its fall 2021 season. Offering flag and tackle football, cheer, soccer and girls and boys basketball, MWYSA is strong in numbers of participating youth, association president Jack Thomas told Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday. Thomas is pictured with this week's program chair Amy Jones.
      Formerly the Mineral Wells Optimist Club, MWYSA formed in 2018 with the vision of offering more opportunities for local youth to participate in organized athletics. Citing his own examples growing up in a troubled family, Thomas said youth sports programs are about more than wins and losses on the field. It is about helping to make young adults who win at life as adults.
      Mineral Wells Youth Sports Assoc. ready to kick off 2021 season 2021-08-19 05:00:00Z 1

      Club welcomes new member Sarah Hahs

      Posted on Aug 18, 2021

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today welcomed new member Sarah Hahs.
      Sarah is a new Edward Jones financial advisor in Mineral Wells working currently alongside fellow Rotarian and her membership sponsor Jimmy Walker.
      Welcome to our club Sarah. We look forward to your fellowship and participation, sharing in our mission of putting #ServiceAboveSelf. #mwrotary
      Club welcomes new member Sarah Hahs 2021-08-18 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians learn about brand renewal and property fraud alert services

      Posted on Aug 12, 2021

      Rotarian and Palo Pinto County Clerk Janette Green, pictured right, informed Rotarians Wednesday about two services provided through her office – brand renewals and property fraud alerts. She is pictured with club President Karyn Bullock.

      Janette spent much of her presentation on the property fraud alert since that is one that can potentially protect any property owner. She said property and mortgage fraud are the fastest-growing white-collar crimes in the United States.

      Rotarians learn about brand renewal and property fraud alert services 2021-08-12 05:00:00Z 0

      Bryton-ing Our Day: Rotarians hear about new arts and crafts studio opening downtown

      Posted on Aug 06, 2021
      A message of love from a friend taken all too soon by breast cancer helped inspire and stoke the creative talents of Bryton Rankin (pictured center), who in a couple of weeks will celebrate the grand opening of her downtown crafts studio, Bryton + Co. DIY Studio.
      Bryton and her Rotarian husband, Mike, have been busily transforming the building at 307 North Oak Avenue, between Garrett’s and Fresh & Fruity, that was formerly used as a storage space. A ribbon cutting is planned for noon on Thursday, Aug. 19, with a grand opening two days later on Saturday, Aug. 21, at 11 a.m.
      Bryton is pictured with Rotary Club President Karyn Bullock, left, and program chair and Mineral Wells Main Street Director Myndi Muncy.
      Bryton-ing Our Day: Rotarians hear about new arts and crafts studio opening downtown 2021-08-06 05:00:00Z 0

      Randy Nix draws another crowd

      Posted on Jul 30, 2021

      Nothing brings Rotarians to a meeting like scheduling Randy Nix as the guest speaker, which is what program chair Mike Rankin did this week.

      The club on Wednesday welcomed local investors and entrepreneurs Randy and his wife, Misty. Having formed RMNix Co. LLC, along with their Nix Rental Homes operation, the Nixes have led the Mineral Wells transformation and resurrection.

      Primarily, they are principals in the restorations of two historic downtown hotel properties. They formed a public benefit corporation and assembled 88 investors to restore Crazy Water Plaza (aka Crazy Water Hotel.) A mixed-use development, the hotel has already hosted events in its beautiful roof-top ballroom and pavilion. There are 37 air B-and-B rooms and 37 permanent apartments, of which several have been promised for lease.

      Randy Nix draws another crowd 2021-07-30 05:00:00Z 0

      Where stars are born: Elizabeth Baker brings her Second Star Theatre Co. to Mineral Wells

      Posted on Jul 22, 2021
      Elizabeth Baker grew up surrounded by Weatherford native and actress Mary Martin, most famously known as the original “Peter Pan” and the mother of actor Larry Hagman, who first starred in the TV show “I Dream of Jeanie” and then became internationally known for his role as J.R. Ewing in the TV series “Dallas.”
      “I had a big picture of Mary Martin over my bed,” said Elizabeth, who was Wednesday's guest speaker at this week's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting.
      Like Mary Martin, Elizabeth is also a Weatherford native. Today, she is the theatre director/music educator at – where else – Mary Martin Elementary School in Hudson Oaks for Weatherford ISD. She grew up loving musicals, having attended productions at Casa Manaña Theatre in Fort Worth as a child. Elizabeth received her formal education in music from the University of North Texas, then returned to Weatherford to start her family with her husband, Brent Baker.
      Where stars are born: Elizabeth Baker brings her Second Star Theatre Co. to Mineral Wells 2021-07-22 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary program from Nikki Elms like a walk in the park

      Posted on Jul 15, 2021
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells recently welcomed guest speaker Nikki Elms, superintendent for Lake Mineral Wells State Park & Trailway - Texas Parks and Wildlife.
      Nikki came to Mineral Wells in 2018 and has become very active in the community. She shared with Rotarians her professional and personal journey and information about the state park, which is seeing a high volume of visitors especially now as more people are getting back to normal activities and want to be outdoors.
      Thank you, Nikki, for visiting with Rotarians today. Nikki is pictured with new club President Karyn Bullock.
      Rotary program from Nikki Elms like a walk in the park 2021-07-15 05:00:00Z 0

      Entrepreneur Torie Kent brings salon, wellness boutique to Mineral Wells

      Posted on Jul 15, 2021

      Rotarians on Wednesday enjoyed a program about a new salon and wellness boutique Rockin Hair Body & Soul at Crazy Water Plaza.

      Entrepreneur Torie Kent and her fiancé are all in on Mineral Wells, purchasing and now renovating a house on NW 4th Avenue along with the work they are doing on preparing the new salon for its opening in the next couple of months. They also own T&A Adventure Outfitters with plans to open stores in Mineral Wells and at PK Lake.

      Torie has had much success owning and operating salons, coming to Mineral Wells from Glen Rose. She also knows a lot about health and wellness, sharing with the club her personal weight loss. She has been a licensed cosmetologist since 2001. Along with the salon, she said she and her team will go onsite, especially for weddings, which Torie said she loves doing weddings.

      Program chair Cody Jordan said the renamed Crazy Water Plaza has leased all of its retail spaces and will begin opening them in mid-September. A grand opening ceremony is planned for Saturday, October 9, coinciding with this year's Crazy Water Festival.

      Welcome to Mineral Wells, Torie, and best of luck with your new venture and adventure.

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meets every Wednesday at noon at Southside Church of Christ, with lunches catered by Sadie's Eats. Meetings are for club members, prospective members and invited guests.

      Entrepreneur Torie Kent brings salon, wellness boutique to Mineral Wells 2021-07-15 05:00:00Z 0
      Passing of the gavel as a new club year begins 2021-07-01 05:00:00Z 0

      Interests piqued by Turkey Peak program

      Posted on Jun 24, 2021
      Rotarians and guests were treated to an outstanding program Wednesday with four members of Palo Pinto County Municipal Water District No. 1 providing information and an update on Turkey Peak Reservoir, the planned second water reservoir adjacent to Lake Palo Pinto that will nearly double the district's impounded water capacity and supply to its service areas in Palo Pinto and Parker counties, serving more than 31,000 people.
      Pictured, from left, are district members Kelli Tunnell Huseman, Kenneth Martin, Corey Shockley and Dr. David Turk, and Rotary President Tonya Folmar Gary.
      Rotary meets every Wednesday at Southside Church of Christ, with lunches catered by Sadie’s Eats.
      Interests piqued by Turkey Peak program 2021-06-24 05:00:00Z 0

      New 'Let's Grow Crazy' farmer's market planting seeds for bigger plans, goals

      Posted on Jun 17, 2021
      Eating better and healthier, learning to grow your own food and supporting local producers are the goals of the new "Let's Grow Crazy" Farmer's Market. Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed, pictured from left, Michele Burns, Amy Ringo Lane and Tai Silva to talk about the new market and its long-term plans.
      Located at 500 S.W. 2nd Avenue downtown, south of the Baker Hotel's front steps, the not-for-profit market is a true farmer's market featuring natural and locally grown food with a goal of building community and creating an education center. The current Leadership of Mineral Wells Class 26 is taking on that goal as a class project.
      The market is in its early stages. It opened June 5, drawing a lot of people who shopped the vendors, purchasing locally grown and produced vegetables, fruits, meats, breads, salsa and more. The market will be open the first and third Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
      New 'Let's Grow Crazy' farmer's market planting seeds for bigger plans, goals 2021-06-17 05:00:00Z 0

      BOOKED: Rotary Club makes annual book donations to Mineral Wells ISD

      Posted on Jun 11, 2021
      May be an image of 3 people and people standing
      Mineral Wells ISD Head Librarian Cathy Hammond, pictured center, attended Wednesday's meeting to ceremoniously accept this club year's donation of books to the district's campus libraries. Each week, the guest speaker is presented a book provided by the club to sign. That book is designated for one of the libraries. Also pictured are club President Tonya Folmar Gary, left, and Connie Ball, who heads up the club's literacy project.
      BOOKED: Rotary Club makes annual book donations to Mineral Wells ISD 2021-06-11 05:00:00Z 0

      Dr. Roger Wang gives Rotarians a painless program

      Posted on Jun 11, 2021
      Millions of Americans suffer from acute or chronic pain, commonly in the lower back, a knee, or knees, in the head, hips and neck. Typically, these are caused by injuries – recent or from years ago – or medical conditions such arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, sciatica and more.
      Too often, some people will try and cope with their pain by simply using prescription pain killers. While that can provide temporary relief, it doesn’t identify and treat the source of the pain. As we know, use of narcotics can lead to more problems.
      This is where pain treatment specialists like Dr. Roger Wang D.O. (pronounced Wong) come in. A Midwest native, Dr. Wang (pictured above left with program chair Shane Coleman) came to Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto General Hospital last fall and offices in the Professional Health Services Building at the corner of U.S. Highway 180 West and S.W. 25th Avenue, just north of PPGH. He was Wednesday's guest speaker.
      Dr. Roger Wang gives Rotarians a painless program 2021-06-11 05:00:00Z 0

      Dunn did it: City's new fire chief addresses Rotary

      Posted on Jun 03, 2021

      Mineral Wells Fire Chief Ryan Dunn was this week's featured speaker, talking to Mineral Wells Rotary Club members about the changes, upgrades and improvements the department has undertaken in the last several years designed to improve fire and EMS service and coverage and lower the city's ISO rating. He is pictured above with club President Tonya Gary.

      As assistant chief, Ryan was very involved in daily fire and EMS operations and was key to finding and securing grants and funds to acquire and update vehicles, equipment and apparatus and expand the department's personnel to meet staffing needs and standards. He was recently promoted to chief following the retirement of previous chief Mike Pool.

      Dunn did it: City's new fire chief addresses Rotary 2021-06-03 05:00:00Z 0

      The air we breathe, a big winner and a celebration

      Posted on May 20, 2021


      When water gets in your home and business, we often think we got it all dried and cleaned up but damage typically occurs in not what you can see, but what you can't see – under the flooring and behind walls.

      That is where Kristy Beck-Miller comes in. She can identify all kinds of indoor air quality issues and provide solutions and remedies that can save property owners hundreds or thousands of dollars while creating healthy indoor environments.

      Kristy, pictured left, spoke to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday about her Adaptive Environmental Consulting company. She was the guest of this week's program chair Lyn Butcher.

      The air we breathe, a big winner and a celebration 2021-05-20 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club impanels District Attorney Kriste Burnett as this week's guest speaker

      Posted on May 12, 2021

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today welcomed Palo Pinto County District Attorney Kriste Burnett, pictured left, as this week's guest speaker. She was introduced by this week's program chair and Palo Pinto County Attorney Maegan Hodgkins Kostiha.

      Kriste might have been tempted to address Rotary members in attendance as “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury ...” Those are not words Burnett has been able to use much this past year as the pandemic hampered the ability to conduct criminal trials and proceedings in the 29th State District Court. Kriste recently was finally able to conduct a grand jury session resulting in 51 felony indictments.

      Rotary Club impanels District Attorney Kriste Burnett as this week's guest speaker 2021-05-12 05:00:00Z 0

      Seth Hobbs and Tony Rafaelle – building winners on and off the courts and fields

      Posted on May 06, 2021

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday were given the coaching insights and philosophies of Mineral Wells ISD's two athletics directors, Seth Hobbs and Tony Rafaelle. Scott Elder was this week's program chair.

      Seth is the new boys athletics director and Rams head football coach. He will be entering his eighth year in Mineral Wells, serving the previous seven years as defensive coordinator and strength/powerlifting coach. His wife, Joey, is an assistant principal at Mineral Wells Junior High School and they have two daughters. He said the expectations across all the athletics program is win now, but he said growing boys into young men and instilling character are also key aspects for all coaches.

      Seth Hobbs and Tony Rafaelle – building winners on and off the courts and fields 2021-05-06 05:00:00Z 0

      Child abuse prevention, awareness is a shared responsibility

      Posted on Apr 28, 2021

      With Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month coming to a close, Rotarian and Children's Alliance Center for Palo Pinto County Executive Director Linda Porter-Bradford told Rotarians of the local efforts happening every day to protect children from abuse and neglect. Linda is pictured above on the left with club President Tonya Gary.

      The CAC, like all centers across Texas and the nation, is dedicated to investigating and prosecuting those committing acts of abuse and neglect against children, while also working to help the victims heal and recover. In Palo Pinto people involved in all aspects of investigating and prosecuting the perpetrators – courts, law enforcement and various agencies – work together on a multidisciplinary team while the CAC provides resources, facilities and trained forensic investigators and therapists.

      Child abuse prevention, awareness is a shared responsibility 2021-04-28 05:00:00Z 0

      A fine program about two MWHS Fine Arts programs

      Posted on Apr 22, 2021

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday heard about the recent accomplishments of two of Mineral Wells High School's Fine Arts programs – the chorus and band departments.

      A year of COVID slowed, but didn't halt or deter the musicians and singers in those groups, led by MWHS Chorus Director Jeanne Baker, pictured above center, and Band Director Elton Ball, right. They are shown with the day's Rotary program chair, Scott Elder, who also serves as a Mineral Wells ISD trustee.

      Both programs saw overall and individual successes this year, including winning sweepstakes honors at UIL competitions for unanimous superior ratings in their respective performances.

      A fine program about two MWHS Fine Arts programs 2021-04-22 05:00:00Z 0

      Meet Main Street Manager Myndi Muncy (Say That Three Times Fast)

      Posted on Apr 14, 2021

      Rotarian and Mineral Wells Main Street Manager Myndi Muncy was today's guest speaker. She gave club members in attendance an informative overview and update on the still fledgling Main Street program and projects taking place within the designated Main Street area.

      One of her main projects is documenting and providing photographs of the historic buildings within the Main Street zone, which Myndi said totals more than 180 buildings.

      She is also working on creating non-profit status for the Main Street project so that it can obtain and raise monies with a goal of becoming a self-sustaining project, using fewer and, perhaps one day, no city tax dollars to operate.

      Meet Main Street Manager Myndi Muncy (Say That Three Times Fast) 2021-04-14 05:00:00Z 0

      Rual Perkins – 47 years a Rotarian and counting

      Posted on Apr 14, 2021

      Mineral Wells Rotarians today celebrated Rual Perkins' 47th year as a Rotarian. Rual is pictured above with club President Tonya Gary and a cake made in his honor.

      Rual became a Rotarian in 1974, the same time he took a job working for Jean Bumgardner at Baum-Carlock-Bumgardner Funeral Home. Upon her passing, Rual acquired the business and remains the owner today.

      Rual is a past president and honorary Mineral Wells Rotary Club member. He was honored with other past presidents when the club held its 100th anniversary dinner.

      Rual Perkins – 47 years a Rotarian and counting 2021-04-14 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club Invites Golf Tournament Sponsors, Teams

      Posted on Apr 09, 2021

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells is organizing a golf tournament June 12 at Holiday Hills Golf Course.

      The tournament is a four-person scramble with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and teams can sign up that morning. The cost is $400 per team.

      There are side games and prizes, including cash payout to winners in each flight. Lunch and awards following.

      Sponsorships are $200-$500-$1,000-$1,500 for hole sponsorships, side games sponsorships, hole-in-one sponsorship and ultimate sponsorship.

      This is going to be a great tournament and a great day, a great chance to promote your business while helping us raise monies for scholarships and support of community groups and projects.

      Call or text Candi Wallis Harrison at 940-445-3409 or Kelly Strain at 940-452-8725 for sponsorship and team registration information.

      You can access the sponsorship and registration forms here or below:

      2021 Rotary Golf Tourney by David May on Scribd

      Rotary Club Invites Golf Tournament Sponsors, Teams 2021-04-09 05:00:00Z 0

      CASA-Hope For Children volunteers advocate for children's best interests

      Posted on Apr 08, 2021
      There are a number of organizations doing important and amazing work in our community, not the least of which is CASA-Hope For Children.
      On Wednesday, Rotary Club of Mineral Wells program chair for the week Monica Reidlinger brought Christina Phenix, CASA training director, and Kathy Meyer, executive director, to speak to the club. Monica is program director for CASA-Hope For Children.
      April is “Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month” so Wednesday’s presentation from Kathy and Christina was very timely.
      CASA-Hope For Children volunteers advocate for children's best interests 2021-04-08 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club welcomes new member Amy Jones

      Posted on Apr 08, 2021
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed one of its newest members, Amy Jones, to the club. She is pictured on the right with her club sponsor, Candi Harrison.
      Amy is office manager/HR for at Crawford, Carter & Durbin, CPAs in downtown Mineral Wells. She is extremely active in the community and with the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce. Amy is going to be active in Rotary Club as well. She will help Candi with social and fundraising events. We look forward to Amy's participation and fellowship with fellow Rotarians, helping us live up to our motto of, "Service Above Self."
      The board at its Tuesday meeting also accepted membership applications for Wade and Misty Turner, our newest Rotary couples. We look forward to formally welcoming them to the club soon. Wade and Misty own and operate Zappit Weed and Pest Control. Misty also works for Palo Pinto General Hospital in Women's Services.

      Welcome new members. We are excited by your additions to our club.

      Rotary Club welcomes new member Amy Jones 2021-04-08 05:00:00Z 0

      Something to wine about: Zinn Brown's new downtown venture

      Posted on Apr 02, 2021


      Rotary Club this week welcomed Zinn Brown, right, to introduce his new downtown venture, Bankhead Texas Wine Bar. He is pictured with program chair Candi Harrison.

      Zinn currently is the owner/operator of Coffee & Cocktails @ 76067 downtown, and his wine bar will be located across the street on West Hubbard Street (part of the historic Bankhead Highway).

      The new wine bar will feature indoor and outdoor seating and offer his craft wines, made from grapes grown in Palo Pinto County. Zinn will also feature other Texas wines. He hopes to make Palo Pinto County and the Northern Hill Country a popular wine and winery destination, potentially along the lines of what has been established in the Southern Hill Country region around Fredricksburg, which is the largest wine region in Texas and the third-largest in the United States. The Texas High Plains is the state's second-largest wine region.

      Something to wine about: Zinn Brown's new downtown venture 2021-04-02 05:00:00Z 0

      Adina Adair works to help Palo Pinto County crime victims recover financially, emotionally

      Posted on Mar 25, 2021

      For the last 11 years, Adina Adair has helped crime victims and their families in Palo Pinto County recover emotionally, physically and financially. She is pictured on the left with Wednesday's program chair Stacie Frye.

      Adina works in the District Attorney's Office, led by DA Kriste Burnett. Adina's talk with Rotary Club on Wednesday focused largely on Texas' Crime Victims Compensation program, which Adina says is one of the best – if not the best – crime victims assistance programs in the nation.

      The state program has been in place for 40 years. In its first year, $417,000 in payments were made on behalf of 128 victims. Last year, in 2020, there were 38,051 applications for assistance filed by Texas crime victims with $68.1 million awarded to or on behalf of crime victims and their families.

      Palo Pinto County crime victims have received their share. Over the last five years, Adina said $226,732.98 has gone to local crime victims and their families that help them with costs associated with crime victimization such as funeral or hospitalization costs, property replacement, loss of income and more.

      Adina Adair works to help Palo Pinto County crime victims recover financially, emotionally 2021-03-25 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians hear, see Baker Hotel & Spa project progress

      Posted on Mar 18, 2021
      A large group turned out Wednesday to hear Baker Hotel & Spa principal investor and construction manager Mark Rawlings, pictured above right with program chair Cory Crenshaw, talk about the historic restoration project.

      Mark brought photos showing the progress on the interior and exterior. What most people will see is after decades of looking at 14 stories of broken windows and deterioration all of the exterior windows have all been restored and replaced. The bell tower exterior has had new framing and paint, and the 90-year-old hotel once again glistens in the sunlight and shines at night with new outside lighting.

      Inside nearly 1,000 construction roll-offs full of debris have been removed. Work is underway to enlarge most of the hotel's previous 450 rooms that will create about 167 rooms. Much of the work is currently focused on electrical and plumbing. Mark said there are some 10 miles of wire and workers are pulling, identifying tagging all of that wiring.

      Rotarians hear, see Baker Hotel & Spa project progress 2021-03-18 05:00:00Z 0

      New members and a persuasive program

      Posted on Mar 10, 2021
      Sabrina Sparkman, left, and Magen Desnoyers are two of the newest members of Rotary Club of Mineral Wells. Sabrina is a Realtor with Coldwell Banker Realty working primarily at Possum Kingdom Lake. Her husband, Allan, is also a new member. Magen and her husband, Jeremy, own and operate Magpie Inn Bed & Breakfast at NW 4th Street and NW 4th Avenue. Jeremy also works at the Crazy Water Bottling Plant. We are very excited to have these two dynamic ladies join our club. Sabrina has jumped right in, serving last week as a judge in our Four-Way Speech Contest and is helping evaluate and selected Rotary scholarship recipients this evening.
      Below, Rotarian Jimmy Walker is always at-the-ready to step in with a program when needed and he did so today, talking to Rotarians in attendance about the power of persuasion and building relationships. Rotarians are all about relationships, and Jimmy peppered his speech with humor and anecdotal personal experience to make his point.
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meets every Wednesday at noon at Southside Church of Christ. Meetings are for members, prospective members and invited guests. Next week's scheduled program features Mark Rawlings of the Baker Hotel & Spa development group.
      New members and a persuasive program 2021-03-10 06:00:00Z 0

      30 years of Dan "The Man" Steele

      Posted on Mar 05, 2021
      Club members this week celebrated Dan Steele's 30th anniversary as a Rotarian. Dan Steele is a model Rotarian who gives his time and money in support of Rotary projects and causes. He is really stepping up as he prepares to become the Rotary District 5790 governor for 2022-23. Rotary needs more people like Dan Steele. Congrats and thanks Dan! You are the man.
      30 years of Dan "The Man" Steele 2021-03-05 06:00:00Z 0

      Rosy Program: Chamber tourism director Rose Jordan gives update

      Posted on Mar 04, 2021
      Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County have a lot of places and attractions for tourists and visits to see and do. Being sure people in Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County know that continues to be one of the many focuses of the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce.
      The chamber’s Tourism Director Rose McCombs Jordan, above left, visited Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday to bring members up to date on the chamber’s current tourism efforts and tout many of the local attractions that aren’t just for visitors to visit. But the key is being able to tell visitors, when asked, what there is to do, see and where to go. She is pictured with club President Tonya Gary.
      Rosy Program: Chamber tourism director Rose Jordan gives update 2021-03-04 06:00:00Z 0

      Four-Way Test Speech Contest winners

      Posted on Mar 03, 2021
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells this evening held its annual Four-Way Test Speech Contest in the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce Community Room. Contestants were judged on their speeches and how they incorporated the guiding principles of Rotary Four-Way Test all Rotarians abide by.
      Winning a $1,000 scholarship for the second straight year is Mineral Wells High School senior Mackenzie Lawhon, right. Winning a $500 scholarship is MWHS senior Chase Jordan. Not pictured (he had to return to baseball practice) is Luke Bullock, also a MWHS senior, winner of a $250 scholarship.
      Congratulations to all three and thank you for participating. Mackenzie is eligible to advance to district competition and a chance to win more scholarship monies.
      Serving as judges were Rotarians, from left, Kelly Strain, Dianne Templar, Stacie Lee Frye and Sabrina Sparkman, and our moderator was Linda Porter-Bradford. Thank you Rotarians for participating and helping us award $1,750 in scholarships to our contestants.
      Four-Way Test Speech Contest winners 2021-03-03 06:00:00Z 0

      TIME WITH THE MAYOR: Regan Johnson speaks to Rotarians

      Posted on Feb 24, 2021
      Taking some time out of a busy day with much going on, Mineral Wells Mayor Regan Johnson spoke at today's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting, mainly addressing and taking questions regarding the current water situation following last week's historic winter storm.
      Regan said hopes are a major pump repair at the treatment plant will be made and, with no further setbacks such as more equipment failure or new line breaks, the boil water notice could be lifted late this week.
      Utility customers in the city and surrounding areas whose water supply corporations receive water from the city, have endured loss of water, low water pressures and boiling water or using bottled water as a result of the storm that left the area with below-freezing temperatures for a week, with temps falling two nights at or below 0 degrees Fahrenheit under a several-inch blanket of snow and ice.
      TIME WITH THE MAYOR: Regan Johnson speaks to Rotarians 2021-02-24 06:00:00Z 0

      Sheriff, Paul Harris Society honor, new members and special guest highlight meeting

      Posted on Feb 10, 2021
      Today’s Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting at Southside Church of Christ was another fantastic one and once-again very well attended.
      Following lunch catered by Sadie’s Eats, the meeting kicked off with the announcement of four new members, including two in attendance, Cody Jordan and Connie Parker (large photo, center). Cody was sponsored into membership by President Tonya Gary and Connie was sponsored by Connie Ball. Two other members approved for membership during last week’s board meeting were Sabrina Sparkman and her husband, Allan, our third Rotary Club couple to join. We hope to formally welcome them into the club soon.
      In the top left photo, Connie Ball was honored and received a pin from District 5790 Governor Nominee Dan Steele acknowledging her as a seven-level Paul Harris Society Fellow for her giving to the Rotary Foundation. This is an amazing accomplishment and level of giving. Congratulations and thanks, Connie.
      Sheriff, Paul Harris Society honor, new members and special guest highlight meeting 2021-02-10 06:00:00Z 0
      Rotarians meet new PPGH pediatrician Dr. Alyson Zulfer 2021-02-03 06:00:00Z 0

      The Long and short of it: County Judge Shane Long speaks to Rotarians

      Posted on Jan 27, 2021

      If you live in Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County and would like to know how soon you might get vaccinated for COVID-19 – the answer is to continue distancing, wearing a mask and washing your hands because it might be a while. Even if you qualify for the initial doses.
      Pictured above with this week's program chair Stacy Choate, Palo Pinto County Judge Shane Long was guest speaker at today’s Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting and spent much of his time discussing the countywide effort to combat, mitigate and vaccinate. Fortunately, cases are declining slightly. The Texas Department of Health and Human Services shows the county with 87 active cases and 306 probable cases. Palo Pinto General Hospital as of Wednesday reports 6,340 tests for COVID performed, with 4,894 of those negative. There are 52 virus-related fatalities for the county.
      With a county population of about 29,000 and current allotments of just 100 doses per week, Long said one can see it might take a while to get vaccine into the arms of those who it. According to TDHHS, 901 county residents have received at least one dose and just 27 county residents are fully vaccinated. The judge said between the county’s and local DHHS’s online vaccination registration programs, some 4,500 county residents are registered and waiting their turns.
      The Long and short of it: County Judge Shane Long speaks to Rotarians 2021-01-27 06:00:00Z 0

      Club welcomes visit from District 5790 Gov. Roger Paschal

      Posted on Jan 20, 2021
      We had a great turnout for today's special visit from Gov. 
      Roger D. Paschal and Asst. Gov. Joe Wilkinson.
      We took a group "masked" photo to mark this moment in time. Roger also delivered flags marking our club's 100% membership support for the 
      effort. Many members also enjoyed delicious lunch offerings catered by Roger and Joe received gits of Crazy Water and hand sanitizers from Palo Pinto General Hospital.
      Thank you Roger and Joe for your visit and come back soon.
      Club welcomes visit from District 5790 Gov. Roger Paschal 2021-01-20 06:00:00Z 0

      A big day, great meeting

      Posted on Jan 13, 2021

      Today was a great one for Rotary Club of Mineral Wells as we welcomed two new members, recognized a Paul Harris Society achievement and heard an interesting and informative program.

      It was also the best attendance since the club resumed weekly meetings in September.

      The club today formally welcomed two new members, Meagan Ishmael and Myndi Brooke Muncy. Meagan is project accountant for Jacobs Engineering Group and who recently moved to Mineral Wells. She was sponsored for membership by Candi Wallis Harrison. Myndi is the new Main Street director for the City of Mineral Wells and was sponsored by Raymond Greenwood. We are excited to have these two dynamic ladies join our club!

      A big day, great meeting 2021-01-13 06:00:00Z 0

      Cody Jordan gives Rotarians exciting updates on downtown projects

      Posted on Dec 20, 2020
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed Cody Jordan, right, of NSC Properties as guest speaker. She is pictured with club President Tonya Gary.
      Cody gave members present updates on downtown projects, including the Crazy Water Hotel renovation, and some insights into what could be coming in the near future. Cody said there are a number of investors, including sports and entertainment figures, looking to invest in and bring new businesses to Mineral Wells in the form of breweries, sports bars and restaurants. She said in almost every case when they come to Mineral Wells they fall in love with the town's history, story and its setting in beautiful in northern Texas Hill Country.
      We will hear more on these potential projects soon, and Cody said she might even bring one or more of those potential investors to future meetings. Thanks again, Cody, for stepping in last-minute for an under-the-weather Rose Jordan and giving us these exciting prospects and developments taking place.
      Cody Jordan gives Rotarians exciting updates on downtown projects 2020-12-20 06:00:00Z 0

      Tommy's Angel Tree to provide Christmas for nearly 400 area boys, girls this year

      Posted on Dec 09, 2020
      Above, Connie Parker, left, accepts gifts from Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members for a boy and a girl being served by this year's Tommy's Angel Tree project. Presenting the gifts are club President Tonya Gary, center, and program chair Connie Ball.
      Tommy’s Angel Tree is one of the great community projects anywhere, providing Christmas to less fortunate Mineral Wells-area boys and girls who otherwise might have no presents to open that special morning since 1992.
      It takes a community to make it happen.
      “I couldn’t do this without the community’s help,” one of Tommy’s Angel Tree Guardians Connie Parker told members of Rotary Club of Mineral Wells attending Wednesday’s meeting.
      Connie is the primary force behind the annual gift-giving drive, helping coordinate sign-ups, putting up the angel trees and overseeing wrapping, bagging and delivery-day logistics.
      Tommy's Angel Tree to provide Christmas for nearly 400 area boys, girls this year 2020-12-09 06:00:00Z 0

      Magpie Inn owners taking local hospitality to new level

      Posted on Nov 18, 2020
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today welcomed Jeremy and Magen Desnoyers, right, owners of Magpie Inn, the bed and breakfast formerly known as The Silk Stocking at the corner of N.W. 4th Avenue and N.W. 4th Street. Pictured with the Desnoyers is program chair Dianne Templar.
      The Desnoyers acquired the property earlier this year from investor Mark Rawlings, a principal investor and construction manager for the Baker Hotel project.
      Married 10 years, the Desnoyers previously managed a property in Fredricksburg before overseeing a bed and breakfast in Fort Worth. They were looking to purchase their own property and found Rawlings and the property in Mineral Wells. Mineral Wells always held a special place in Magen’s heart because it is where her “Nana” has lived most of her life. Nana’s nickname for Magen is “Magpie,” hence the inn’s new name.
      Magpie Inn owners taking local hospitality to new level 2020-11-18 06:00:00Z 0

      Nothing spooky about this Michael Myers, PPGH's new chief urologist

      Posted on Oct 28, 2020
      If the fictional character Michael Myers in the "Halloween" movie series scares you so bad you wet your pants, this Michael Myers can help.
      Just days before Halloween, Palo Pinto General Hospital’s new urologist Dr. Michael Myers was special guest and program at today’s Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting. He was introduced by today’s program chair Megan Hudson, marketing director for PPGH.
      For those wondering why Dr. Myers looks like PPGH’s director of radiology and has the same last name, that is because Chuck Myers, D.O., is his brother.
      Dr. Michael Myers received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Texas Christian University in 1989, and a Master of Science in Psychology from TCU in 1989. He then pivoted, going to medical school at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio where he graduated in 2003. He then went to Tampa, Florida, and was a resident urologist at the University of South Florida before becoming its chief resident urologist for a year. He then went on to work for a hospital in Georgia before recently returning to North Texas taking the role running PPGH’s urology clinic.
      Nothing spooky about this Michael Myers, PPGH's new chief urologist 2020-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

      Where there's a way, there's United Way

      With its 2020 campaign underway, United Way of Palo Pinto County board President Christina Phenix, pictured center, spoke to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members at Wednesday's meeting.
      All monies donated to United Way stay within Palo Pinto County. The agency supports local non-profit partner agencies Addiction Recovery Ministries, CASA-Hope For Children, Girl Scouts of Palo Pinto County, Meals on Wheels of Palo Pinto County, Mineral Wells Center of Life, New Haven/Helping Hands, Palo Pinto County 4H, Child Welfare Board of Palo Pinto County and The Salvation Army.
      United Way of PPC this year also matched funds raised for Back Pack Buddies of Mineral Wells.
      Because of COVID-19, the agency this year has to cancel its biggest and very popular fundraiser, the annual Penny Auction. On Thursday they will be selling baked potato lunches at Southside Church of Christ, and have planned a bucket brigade to collect donations in town.
      For more information about this year's campaign, the partner agencies or to make a donation, call 940-325-1344 or email Find United Way of Palo Pinto County on Facebook here. They also have a website under development here.
      Pictured with Christina are Rotary Club President Tonya Gary, left, and program chair for the day Connie Ball. Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at noon at Southside Church of Christ with lunch catered by Sadie's Eats.
      Where there's a way, there's United Way 2020-10-21 05:00:00Z 0

      TAKING TO THE TRAILS – Rhett Warren discusses Mineral Wells' newest paths to outdoor recreation and tourism

      Expanding on what already exists and is planned, Mineral Wells and the area could become a mecca for mountain bikers, hikers and outdoor enthusiasts that helps attract new families, visitors and commerce.
      That is what Mineral Wells Rotary Club members heard and saw today in a presentation from Rhett Warren regarding the new 4.5 miles of Western Heritage Park Trails now open for the public to walk, run or ride. The courses – designed, mapped and marked for youth/beginners, intermediate and experienced trail riders – are nearly complete.
      The trails are located at Western Heritage Park, known by many as the former Lion's Park, on far North Oak Avenue. The former city park is under the control and operation of Texas Frontier Trails, which partnered with Warren and his brother, Will, to design and build the trails within much of the park's 50 acres.
      TAKING TO THE TRAILS – Rhett Warren discusses Mineral Wells' newest paths to outdoor recreation and tourism 2020-09-23 05:00:00Z 0

      GLENN ROGERS: 'We can't be bought'

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells' second meeting of the year Wednesday had a great turnout, a delicious lunch and a special visitor in guest speaker Dr. Glenn Rogers, who after Nov. 3 will have the title of state representative-elect.
      Out-funded and facing a huge political battle against Empower Texans-figurehead Jon Francis, Rogers finished second to Francis by about 700 votes in the eight-county District 60 race in the March Republican primary to advance to a COVID-delayed runoff.
      Rogers may have been out-spent more than 2-1 by the Cisco billionaires and millionaires who pumped some $1.5 million into the Francis campaign, but he was not outworked and it paid off in July when Rogers won the high-profile race by nearly the same 700 votes. Palo Pinto County's strong turnout and support helped carry the fifth-generation Palo Pinto Countian to the win.
      “We can't be bought,” was Rogers' response to a question asking him what he took away from the hard-fought campaign that initially included Granbury attorney Kellye Sorrelle and former Mineral Wells mayor Christopher Perricone.
      GLENN ROGERS: 'We can't be bought' 2020-09-16 05:00:00Z 0

      WE'RE BACK! Rotary club meets for first time in six months

      In our first meeting as a club since March, Rotarian Beth Henary Watson brought Mineral Wells City Manager Randy Criswell, who talked about several things on the economic development front that he can't be specific about yet. Also being discussed is a partnership with a company to bring commercial enterprise to Mineral Wells Regional Airport and several new housing development projects working their through the process.
      It was a great first meeting, with lunch catered by Sadie’s Eats.
      We are meeting at noon Wednesdays at Southside Church of Christ. Look for her lunch menu options to posted Friday on our Facebook group page and also sent to your email. Lunches are $10 and orders to Sadie must be placed by Monday.
      WE'RE BACK! Rotary club meets for first time in six months 2020-09-09 05:00:00Z 0

      2020 Rotary Scholarship recipients recognized

      We were able this week to formally recognize some of our 2020 scholarship recipients. They will have their scholarship awards sent to their colleges.
      Pictured at top is Emma Bullock with Past President David May. She received a $750 Willie Casper Jr. Rotary Scholarship, as did Claire Rasmussen (not pictured). Below left, Braden Fryer received a $250 Rotary Interact scholarship. Bottom center, Jessie Ishmael received a $500 Jimmy Ashby Memorial Rotary Scholarship. Bottom right, Paige Riney received the $1,000 Zach Elder Memorial Rotary Scholarship. Also this year Regan Carter (not pictured) received a $1,500 Rotary Scholarship.
      Congrats and good luck to all recipients and thanks to the community for making these scholarships possible.
      2020 Rotary Scholarship recipients recognized 2020-08-08 05:00:00Z 0

      EXCITING NEWS! We are soon to be meeting and riding

      Today’s Rotary Club of Mineral Wells board meeting produced some exciting news as the club begins to regroup and move forward once again.
      First, we will be meeting weekly again beginning Wednesday, Sept. 9. We will meet Wednesdays at noon in the fellowship hall of Southside Church of Christ, 1401 S.E. 25th Avenue. Thanks to Connie Ball’s coordination, the church is opening its beautiful and spacious building to us. It is easy to get to, plentiful parking and just a few steps from your car to the building.
      Our meetings will be catered by Sadie’s Eats (2020 Reader’s Choice winner for best salad.) We will provide more details on how to order and pay for meals, but essentially Sadie will offer two box lunch choices like she currently does on Mondays and Tuesdays.
      EXCITING NEWS! We are soon to be meeting and riding 2020-08-06 05:00:00Z 0

      A letter from Past District Governor Peter Scott

      At midnight (Wednesday) I will become your Immediate Past District Governor, and Roger Paschal will become the Governor of our great district!  As my term ends, I want to thank you for allowing me the privilege of serving as your District Governor for the past year.  

      I look back to July first 2019 and feel that I was so lucky.  I was able to make all of my club visits in person.  Then Lynn and I were able to participate in some club fundraisers and other events, which helped us to get to know you better, and helped me to become a better Rotarian.

      I met so many wonderful people. All of our clubs, large or small, truly care about our communities, and the world.  Even before COVID, that was clearly evident. 
      A letter from Past District Governor Peter Scott 2020-07-01 05:00:00Z 0

      New Rotary Club officers in place for 2020-2021

      A new Rotary Club of Mineral Wells year begins today, July 1, with new officers in place across all levels of our organization.


      For our club that means Tonya Gary is now club president, with Karyn Bullock our president-elect. We have several members who have stepped up and are now in new roles of service and leadership. Pat Wilson is our new treasurer. Dianne Templar is now secretary. Kelly Strain is our new membership chair. Stacy Choate is taking on new duties related to financial accounting and tracking for our flag program.


      David May is now past president, but retaining his roles as publicity and flag program chair.


      “As I told those at the social, it was my honor to serve this year as your president,” May said. “It was not the year any of us expected. We experienced growth in membership and enthusiasm while adding a very successful new fundraiser and carrying out our service projects and commitments before everything was halted. Despite that, I am encouraged about our future and exited about our new leadership and members serving in new roles. I see them continuing to grow and learn and lead our club successfully into the future. Thanks to each and every one of you for your support, encouragement and kind words during my year as your president.”

      New Rotary Club officers in place for 2020-2021 2020-07-01 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Foundation approves District 5790 Reverse Global Grant for COVID-19 response in our district communities

      Grant funds are being distributed this week to Hendrick Medical Center in Wichita Falls, United Regional Foundation in Abilene, and Texas Health Services for medical equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE).

      The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank, Food Bank of West Central Texas, and Tarrant Area Food Bank will also receive funds to support their expanded services to the food insecure members of our District 5790 community.


      The project began when Rotarians were asked to support COVID-19 related needs in our community. Hoping to raise a modest $25,000 to restock local food pantries and provide medical supplies to local hospitals, Rotarians in District 5790 (North Central TX), 5870 (Austin), and global partner District 9810 in Australia put out the call to club members and friends, and raised a shocking $161,000 in 10 days.


      Rotary Foundation approves District 5790 Reverse Global Grant for COVID-19 response in our district communities 2020-06-18 05:00:00Z 0

      Mackenzie Lawhon takes top Four-Way Test Speech Contest scholarship prize

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Thursday hosted its 2020 Four-Way Test Speech Contest in the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce meeting room.


      Contestants each gave outstanding oral speeches and were judged on their presentations. Contestants are asked to limit their speech to five minutes and incorporate in their speeches the principles of Rotary's Four-Way Test each Rotarian is asked to adhere to:


      Of the things we think, say or do:


      First, is it the truth?

      Second, is it fair to all concerned?

      Third, will it build goodwill and better friendships?

      Fourth, is it beneficial to all concerned?


      Taking this year's top scholarship prize of $1,000 was Mineral Wells High School junior Mackenzie Lawhon, a talented singer and actress who also participates in athletics, is among the top students academically in her class and is very active in her church and community activities. As a junior, Lawhon will be eligible to participate again next year. She is also eligible to advance to district competition if it takes place.


      Mackenzie Lawhon takes top Four-Way Test Speech Contest scholarship prize 2020-03-20 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club suspends meetings amid virus concerns

      Amid concerns of the global coronavirus pandemic, and national and local efforts to prevent its spread, Rotary Club of Mineral Wells has suspended weekly meetings through at least the end of March.
      Club leaders will reassess its meetings and events, including the 16th Annual Rotary Crazy Kicker bike ride planned for April 18.
      Plans are for the 4-Way Test Speech Contest to take this Thursday, March 19, at the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce. Typically fewer than 10 people – contestants and judges – attend and the club will take measures to provide a safe environment.
      Rotarians have been meeting weekly on Wednesdays in Classroom I at Palo Pinto General Hospital for lunch, socializing, updates on club news and a program of interest. On Friday, PPGH implemented measures in response to the coronavirus and COVID-19 outbreak, which included eliminating community meetings and restricting public access to the cafeteria.
      Anticipating those hospital steps, club leaders earlier in the week began looking at meeting location alternatives but it became clear the responsible thing to do was suspend meetings for the short term and make further decisions in the coming days and weeks.
      The decision comes in the wake of President Donald Trump on Friday declaring the virus outbreak a national health emergency. Schools, churches and businesses are taking their own steps to protect the public in hopes the virus can be stopped sooner rather than later.
      “While there are presently no reported cases of coronavirus or COVID-19 locally, we believe this is the right and responsible thing to do for our members and community,” said club President David May. “While some think the national response has been over-reaction in some cases, being proactive will keep many people from becoming infected, and will save lives.”
      People are urged to follow the recommendations put out by the CDC to help prevent infection and spreading the disease, which include avoiding large public gatherings and washing your hands frequently. For more information on the virus and prevention go to
      Rotary Club suspends meetings amid virus concerns 2020-03-14 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians hear how The Gladney Center has been providing adoption services, support for 138 years

      Wednesday's guest speaker was Tanya Houk, Transitional Care/New Beginnings manager for the Gladney Center for Adoption Based in Fort Worth. She is pictured, left, with this week's program chair Nancy Cameron.
      The Gladney Center for Adoption has been in operation 138 years, providing adoption and advocacy services for pregnant women. Last year the center placed 211 children into adoptive homes. The center also provides transitional care services, placing children in foster care before going to their new adoptive home.
      Rotarians hear how The Gladney Center has been providing adoption services, support for 138 years 2020-03-11 05:00:00Z 0

      Criswell updates Rotarians on current, planned projects

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed City Manager Randy Criswell to talk about some of the projects occurring or planned. He is pictured above with program chair for the day Tanya Lukas.


      Criswell, who came to Mineral Wells from Canyon 10 months ago, said housing, jobs and infrastructure continue to be the focus going forward.


      There is plenty of good news on the housing front. For one, the new market-rate townhomes project adjacent to Mineral Wells Junior High School is progressing rapidly and cold be complete by early summer, offering upscale one- to three-bedroom residential units.


      Criswell updates Rotarians on current, planned projects 2020-02-27 06:00:00Z 0
      VIDEO: Dan Steele announced as District 5790 District Governor Designate Nominee 2020-02-19 06:00:00Z 0

      Mineral Wells Center of Life a center of hope for many

      Thanks to Cindy Maness, executive director of Mineral Wells Center of Life, for providing today's program about COL and its array of services and programs to help people in need whether it be with food, clothing, furnishings, employment, social services or classes to help provide life skills and personal betterment. She is pictured with program chair Eric Douglas.
      She said more than 1,900 individuals were assisted in 2019, many of these more than once and some through more than one service.
      Learn more about Mineral Wells Center of Life at
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meets every Wednesday at noon at Palo Pinto General Hospital for lunch, socializing with fellow Rotarians, updates on club news and events and a program of interest. Meetings are for club members, invited guests and prospective members.
      Mineral Wells Center of Life a center of hope for many 2020-02-19 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians hear how 100 Women group raises $19,400 for Back Pack Buddies

      It was a special Sunday for one local non-profit and nearly 200 women, and Rotary Club members were able to hear all about it at Wednesday's meeting. Special guests attending were, pictured above, from left, Joy Eaton, Kriste Burnett, Judy Jackson, Barbara Upham and Jill Moore.
      100 Women of Palo Pinto County held its inaugural event Sunday afternoon at Coffee and Cocktails at 76067 in downtown Mineral Wells. Misty Nix opened The Market at 76067 for the group to tour and shop.
      Jill Moore brought the idea to Palo Pinto County, saying she had sisters in other places, including McKinney, that have similar group fundraisers. The idea is simple – get 100 women to write a $100 check that will go to a winning non-profit agency. That would mean $10,000 going to one fortunate agency.
      Only something amazing happened – in its first year 100 Women of Palo Pinto County became 194 women, and on Sunday afternoon Back Pack Buddies of Mineral Wells won a close vote and received $19,400 – nearly half of their annual operating costs.

      Rotarians hear how 100 Women group raises $19,400 for Back Pack Buddies 2020-02-12 06:00:00Z 0

      Energy teas and healthy smoothies

      Rotarian Janette Green, center, brought to last Wednesday's meeting Kimberly Sewell and Paul Jewell from Mineral Wells Nutrition to talk about their popular smoothie and juice bar located at Brazos Mall, featuring their line of healthy shakes and energy teas. They brought samples of their teas to the meeting for Rotarians to try. If you haven't been to their store yet make plans to do so and check out their drinks.

      Energy teas and healthy smoothies 2020-01-27 06:00:00Z 0

      Something To Talk About at this week's meeting

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday had Something To Talk About – meaning a program featuring two members of the Mineral Wells Toastmasters Club called "Something To Talk About."
      The program given by Cherry Rushin and Larry Core coincided with last week's announcement of a new collaboration between Rotary International and Toastmasters International enhance their skills, broaden their networks and provide positive impact in their respective communities.
      Cherry and Larry told Rotarians about Toastmasters and their chapter, which has about two dozen active members and meets every Tuesday evening at the Best Western Hotel.
      Something To Talk About at this week's meeting 2020-01-16 06:00:00Z 0

      Toastmasters and Rotary partner to help members grow professionally and make a difference in their communities


      ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Jan. 7, 2020 — Members of Toastmasters and Rotary will enhance their skills, broaden their networks and increase their positive impact in communities through a new collaboration.

      The ongoing relationship between the two organizations will begin at the grassroots level with local club members learning and working together. Additionally, Toastmasters will create a set of eight structured communication and leadership development courses for Rotary with a phased rollout that will be available in English in 2020, and in more languages in 2021.

      “The strategic alliance with Rotary is exciting and allows both organizations to leverage our unique and similar strengths,” says Deepak Menon, Toastmasters' 2019-20 International President. “We look forward to providing our current and prospective members with ongoing additional offerings that meet their evolving needs.”

      Toastmasters and Rotary partner to help members grow professionally and make a difference in their communities 2020-01-08 06:00:00Z 0

      Jamie Novak's medals symbolic of her Special Olympics mettle


      Pictured with her mother, Vicki, Texas Special Olympics athlete and state and national champion Jamie Novak spoke to Rotary Club on Wednesday about competing, especially in her specialty events bowling and track and field – where she excels in the shot put and speed walking.


      Jamie couldn't say how many medals she has won over the years – but it's a lot. So many that when she travels with them they noisily clang together.


      She said her participation in Special Olympics have allowed her to travel and meet many people, and visit and tour many places, including the Statue of Liberty in New York.

      Jamie Novak's medals symbolic of her Special Olympics mettle 2020-01-08 06:00:00Z 0

      Privitts tell Rotarians of their new hatchet throwing venue opening soon

      Posted on Dec 11, 2019

      Mineral Wells residents won't have to drive to Fort Worth or Dallas to find one of the coolest, fastest-growing sports and entertainment venues in America and around the world. They will simply need to go downtown.

      Anthony and Taylor Privitt are opening Hatchet House Mineral Wells, located at 309 S.E. 1st Avenue. Pictured above with Rotary program chair Dr. Saskia Vaughan (right), the couple visited Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday to introduce and talk about their new venture.

      A combination of darts and bowling, hatchet throwing bars are rapidly growing in the U.S. and Canada. There are leagues and competition events, or people just go to throw hatchets at wall-mounted targets for fun.

      The Privitts plan to have Hatchet House Mineral Wells open the first weekend in January.

      Privitts tell Rotarians of their new hatchet throwing venue opening soon 2019-12-11 06:00:00Z 0

      Gimme shelter

      Posted on Nov 21, 2019


      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed Brian Glenn, above right, for his program on ShelterBox. He is pictured with program chair Dan Steele.


      ShelterBox is a cutting-edge charity that hand-delivers emergency shelter for families left homeless by natural disaster and conflict. Rotary International is a major ShelterBox supporter and partner, and our club donates $1,000 annually to ShelterBox.


      Brian is a Rotarian, a member of the Denton-Lake Cities chapter within our District 5790. He has been a longtime ShelterBox volunteer, having gone on a number of trips to provide ShelterBoxes to people in need.


      Brian said currently there are 85 million people worldwide displaced from their homes, many of them in under-developed or remote areas with very few resources.

      Gimme shelter 2019-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

      District 5790's Larry Petrash talks membership

      Posted on Nov 06, 2019
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday welcomed District 5790 Membership Chair Larry Petrash who spoke about the importance of membership growth and retention.

      Larry has a long and distinguished military and Rotary career. In fact he was among the last to leave Fort Wolters when the local base was decommissioned and closed in 1972. He  served 27 years in the U.S. Army Reserve, achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical Service Corps. His expertise was in Hospital Administration. His service rendered 16 medals including four awards of the Army Commendation Medal; one Army Achievement Medal; two awards of the National Defense Service Medal for Vietnam and Operation Desert Storm; four awards of the Reserve Components Achievement Medal; and two awards of the Army Reserve Medal, among others.

      District 5790's Larry Petrash talks membership 2019-11-06 06:00:00Z 0

      First Rotary couple

      Posted on Nov 06, 2019
      Today was an exciting day for Rotary Club of Mineral Wells as the club formally accepted three more new members. Two were Kelly Strain, of Ryan Roach Farmers Insurance Company, and Pat Wilson, area manager for Oncor who was once a Rotarian and has returned to be part of the Mineral Wells Club and put "Service Above Self."
      Of special note was acceptance of new member Lyn Butcher, wife of longtime Rotarian Steve Butcher. They become the club's first known married couple in Mineral Wells Rotary.
      Lyn, who has participated in club events in the past, joined Rotary Club of Mineral Wells under a new spouse level membership with a discounted membership fee.
      "We are excited to have three terrific, high-quality new members in Kelly, Pat and Lyn," said club President David May. "But I especially like that we have our first Rotary couple, and I believe we will have a second club couple soon. We love that they will be sharing Rotary fun and experiences together through our meetings, projects, community engagements and socials."
      To learn more about Rotary and becoming a member, visit the club's website at or seek out a current member for more information about Rotary and an invitation to join.
      First Rotary couple 2019-11-06 06:00:00Z 0

      Opportunity Culture improving Mineral Wells ISD education, Rotarians told

      Posted on Nov 01, 2019


      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday heard how Mineral Wells ISD's two-year-old Opportunity Culture initiative is benfitting teachers and students in its elementary school classrooms.


      Mineral Wells ISD school board member and Rotary program chair for the week Scott Elder brought Travis Elementary School Principal David Wells, who in turn brought with him campus educators Carla Watson, Patti Newsome and Lindsey Wells, who all serve as Multi-Classroom Leaders (MCLs) for the school under the Opportunity Culture program.


      Also attending Wednesday's meeting were Rotarians Dr. John Kuhn, who is superintendent of Mineral Wells ISD, and club Secretary Karyn Bullock, who is the district's communications director. John Kuhn's administrative assistant Marilyn Bradshaw attended as a special guest.


      Opportunity Culture improving Mineral Wells ISD education, Rotarians told 2019-11-01 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians enjoy a good day with local photographer/filmographer Jonny Goodday

      Posted on Oct 24, 2019


      With today's smartphones, anybody can take photos and videos then use filters or various editing software. Some do it very well and create interesting, even stunning images.


      Then there are people like Wednesday's Mineral Wells Rotary program speaker Jonny Partesius, aka Jonny Goodday (which he said he goes by because it sounds better and is easier to say and spell). Jonny is a true artist – almost magician – with an eye, a talent and equipment for producing some of the most amazing photographs and videos one will ever see.


      Take, for instance, his recent photograph of the Milky Way he captured from the Palo Pinto area …


      Rotarians enjoy a good day with local photographer/filmographer Jonny Goodday 2019-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians hear importance of parks funding, passing Proposition 5

      Posted on Oct 17, 2019

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday heard the importance of Palo Pinto Mountains State Park, and the impact the three area state parks have on the area.


      Jeff Hinkson, of the Strawn Area Chamber of Commerce who has dedicated his time and resources toward development of the park located just west of Strawn surrounding Tucker Lake, spoke to the club as the Nov. 5 constitutional amendment election approaches.


      One of 10 proposed constitutional amendments is Proposition 5, which if passed will dedicate revenue from the state's current outdoor sales tax to state park development, improvements and maintenance. Early voting begins Monday.

      Rotarians hear importance of parks funding, passing Proposition 5 2019-10-17 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club to remember three by naming scholarships in their honor

      Posted on Oct 02, 2019

      The late Zach Elder, Jimmy Ashby and Col. Willie H. Casper Jr. may be gone, but won't soon be forgotten. Rotary Club of Mineral Wells membership on Wednesday approved renaming three of its annual scholarship awards in their honor.


      "This makes me, and all Rotarians, very happy to do this," said club President David May. "These three are held dearly in our hearts and now every year they will be remembered and honored by our club with the presentation of Rotary scholarships."

      Rotary Club to remember three by naming scholarships in their honor 2019-10-02 05:00:00Z 0

      GREAT SCOTT: Rotary Club welcomes, hears from District Governor Peter Scott

      Posted on Sep 04, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells welcomed District 5790 Governor Peter Scott to Wednesday's meeting.

      Governor Scott touched on the local club's current activities, programs and projects and stated the Mineral Wells club is a vibrant, engaged club within the community.

      Scott touched largely on the importance of membership and membership growth to show its strength, diversity and reach. On the day of Governor Scott's visit, the club welcomed two new members, Marc Woolvard, an agent with Palo Pinto County Farm Bureau, and David Hawes, the city's current interim economic development director. Hawes is a past member and president of Mineral Wells Rotary.


      GREAT SCOTT: Rotary Club welcomes, hears from District Governor Peter Scott 2019-09-04 05:00:00Z 0

      Are you ready for some football? Coach Perry previews upcoming season

      Posted on Aug 21, 2019


      With kickoff just nine days away, Mineral Wells High School Athletics Director and head football coach Gerald Perry teed things up Wednesday for Mineral Wells Rotarians, giving them some information and insights about the 2019 Rams team.


      With just 11 seniors on this year's varsity squad, youth is the theme for this season as Perry and his coaching staff is working on growing and coaching them up since the team could rely heavily on a group of sophomores and freshmen.


      Perry thinks despite having a young team (which he said should pay dividends in two years) they are not using that as an excuse. He said the program's goals remain the same: "Win a district championship, win a state championship and practice on Thanksgiving Day."


      Are you ready for some football? Coach Perry previews upcoming season 2019-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

      Overcoming our natural fears and self-doubt

      Posted on Aug 14, 2019

      Thanks to Rotarian Jimmy Walker for his program at today's meeting, "Fear and Self-Doubt." Providing information about the fears and doubts we all have and how we can try to overcome them was entertaining, informative, inspirational.


      Sharing your personal experience of fear and doubt in relation to your wife and her health brought the element of human emotion and some tears to several eyes.


      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meets every Wednesday at noon at Palo Pinto General Hospital for lunch, networking, updates on club news and events and a program of interest.

      Overcoming our natural fears and self-doubt 2019-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

      Crazy sign close to making its comeback, Rotarians told

      Posted on Aug 01, 2019

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday heard of a good sign to come. The historic Crazy Water sign that once spanned Hubbard Street is nearing a return, thanks to the efforts of Leadership Mineral Wells Class 24 and a couple of recent major donations.


      Rotarian and class member Cory Crenshaw led an update on the project that he said is now close enough to its funding goal that he is almost ready to place a deposit for the making of the sign and its supports.


      The replicated, two-sided sign is planned to go across West Hubbard Street just west of U.S. Highway 281. While the west side of the sign will not be visible to passing westbound traffic, it will be seen by pedestrians downtown – especially once the proposed downtown park is created – and give people a chance to photograph it with the Baker Hotel in the background.


      Crazy sign close to making its comeback, Rotarians told 2019-08-01 05:00:00Z 0

      First Financial Bank takes title sponsorship for holiday pancake supper event

      Posted on Jul 25, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells is pleased to announce First Financial Bank of Mineral Wells as its title sponsor for its first ever pancake supper – aka "Holiday Hotcakes Extravaganza" – set for Thursday, Dec. 12, at Mineral Wells High School.


      The evening will be one of good food and holiday entertainment and fun.


      "We are really excited about what we have planned for our first pancake supper," said club President David May. "There will be holiday music performances by local school and organizational singers, dancers and musicians. We will have Santa and Mrs. Clause on hand for photos with the kids. Plus some great food and best of all, it's all for a great cause. This is going to be big. We can't wait."


      First Financial Bank takes title sponsorship for holiday pancake supper event 2019-07-25 05:00:00Z 0

      JUDICIAL INSIGHT: District Judge Mike Moore gives Rotarians a look into his courtroom

      Posted on Jul 24, 2019

      You might not think Palo Pinto County, with about 27,000 people, would generate a tremendous number of court cases but the numbers do not lie.


      29th State District Court Judge Mike Moore was this week's Mineral Wells Rotary Club guest speaker. Moore is completing his second four-year term and said he hopes to serve at least one more term, possibly two. His court hears and handles a variety of cases – criminal, civil and family law – and has plenty of those on its dockets.


      Moore said after disposing of around 8,000 cases in his first seven-plus years on the bench, his 29th district courtroom currently has 1,600 pending cases total. That includes over 500 felony criminal cases, some 90 Child Protection Services cases and around 900 civil and family law cases.

      "It is just an incredible number of cases we have pending," said Moore.


      JUDICIAL INSIGHT: District Judge Mike Moore gives Rotarians a look into his courtroom 2019-07-24 05:00:00Z 0

      Meals on Wheels' Christie Rucker delivers program

      Posted on Jul 18, 2019


      Like many caring and service-minded volunteers in the community do every weekday, Mineral Wells Rotarians on Fridays deliver meals to homebound seniors and individuals. On Wednesday, Rotarians were able to hear more about Meals on Wheels of Palo Pinto County through its Executive Director Christie Rucker.


      Rucker became the agency's director earlier this year and has been working on making gradual changes and improvements, especially in the variety of meals prepared at Palo Pinto General Hospital, packaged and delivered to the agency's offices at 1410 S.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Street, typically ready for deliveries no later than 11 a.m.


      She said Meals on Wheels serves around 48,000 homebound and congregate meals annually, with a client list ranging from 200 to 300 people in Mineral Wells, Graford, Gordon, Mingus, Strawn and Possum Kingdom Lake. Not only are hot and freshly made meals delivered midday Mondays through Fridays in Mineral Wells, but twice a month rural clients in the county receive frozen meals. Some clients can qualify for meals delivery seven days a week.


      Meals on Wheels' Christie Rucker delivers program 2019-07-18 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary a five-star sponsor for A Taste of Palo Pinto Co.

      Posted on Jul 03, 2019

      With presentation of a check for $1,000, Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday became a five-star sponsor for the upcoming A Taste of Palo Pinto County.


      Mineral Wells Senior Center Executive Director Bill Smith, pictured above right receiving the check from treasurer Dan Steele, visited the club Wednesday at its weekly meeting to talk about this year's annual event. He said there are currently 10 restaurants and caterers confirmed that will be serving up samples of their fare, with more being sought. This year's event will also include a 1950s sock hop with a DJ providing the music. Attendees are encouraged to bring their dance partner and wear their dancing shoes.


      A Taste of Palo Pinto County is set for the evening of Thursday, July 25, at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2399 in Mineral Wells beginning at 6 p.m. The event is the senior center's major annual fundraiser.


      Rotary a five-star sponsor for A Taste of Palo Pinto Co. 2019-07-03 05:00:00Z 0

      Reagan Carter attending RYLA

      Posted on Jun 27, 2019
      Mineral Wells High School's Reagan Carter arrived Thursday morning at Tarleton State University to attend the Rotary District 5790 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) through Sunday at Tarleton State University.
      Reagan is the daughter of Bill and Carey Carter. Rotary Club's Youth Services Chair Karyn Bullock took Reagan to RYLA, where they were met with some enthusiastic greetings.
      Reagan Carter attending RYLA 2019-06-27 05:00:00Z 0

      New 2019-2020 officers installed

      Posted on Jun 26, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells installed its 2019-2020 officers at today's weekly meeting.

      Spelling out Rotary, from left, are new club President David May, Past-President John Dugan, President-Elect Tonya Folmar Gary, Secretary Karyn Bullock, Treasurer Dan Steele and Vocational Services Chair Tanya Hix Lukas.

      Other officers for the coming year are Community Service Chair Connie Ball, International Service Chair Saskia Vaughan, Foundation Chair Nancy Faith Cameron, Club Service Chair Beth Henary Watson, Scholarships Chair Keri Walden, Membership Chair Cory Crenshaw, Social Chair Candi Wallis Pearson and Mineral Wells Crazy Kicker 100 Event Director William B Jones.

      Some of these officers also hold other positions of responsibility within the club and all are appreciated for their work and efforts that help make us a club that puts "Service Above Self."

      If you would like to know more about Rotary Club visit or speak to any Rotarian.

      New 2019-2020 officers installed 2019-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

      Crazy water Hotel project architect Hopkins shows 'works of art'

      Posted on Jun 20, 2019


      Local architect Tim Hopkins on Wednesday showed Rotary Club members what he considers works of art.


      Hopkins is the architect behind the renovation and restoration of the historic Crazy Water Hotel on North Oak Avenue. He showed images of the hotel's original 1925 drawings done in ink on pieces of linen. He said going back today and doing the measurements, they match the drawings exactly.


      “I consider them works of art,” said Hopkins of the drawings he said were discovered in a small room in the hotel's basement. “They have been tremendously helpful to me.”


      Crazy water Hotel project architect Hopkins shows 'works of art' 2019-06-20 05:00:00Z 0

      ON YOUR BLOCKS: Swim team coach Macy Nix, two Moccasins visit Rotary

      Posted on Jun 13, 2019

      Wednesday's Mineral Wells Rotary Club meeting went swimmingly, thanks to Mineral Wells Moccasins swim team coach Macy Nix and two special guests.


      Nix, along with her sister, Lexis, this year took over coaching and leading the team and its 48 members from ages under 8 to over 40. The team competes in Region IV of the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation.


      Nix brought to Wednesday's meeting Devin Crenshaw and Dezden Duppstadt, both first-year swimmers who each placed in events this past Saturday in Weatherford, the first meet of the year competing against four other teams.

      ON YOUR BLOCKS: Swim team coach Macy Nix, two Moccasins visit Rotary 2019-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

      IMAGE TOUCH UP: Pokornys discuss ways to enhance club's community presence

      Posted on Jun 06, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells welcomed Lewisville Morning Rotarians and Rotary District 5790 leaders John and Marilyn Pokorny to Wednesday's meeting to talk about the importance of our club's community image and visibility. They are pictured above with Mineral Wells Rotary Club President JJ Dugan, right.


      The Pokornys touched on several ways members can help spread the word of Rotary throughout their social networks to make people in our community more aware of the club and its activities, mission and goals aimed at helping raise interest in membership and participation.


      IMAGE TOUCH UP: Pokornys discuss ways to enhance club's community presence 2019-06-06 05:00:00Z 0

      Warren shares his vision for enhanced trailway

      Posted on May 30, 2019


      With Mineral Wells on a path to economic growth, Rhett Warren, center, hopes to use an existing path to further local progress and development.


      An attorney and president of the Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors told Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members on Wednesday he is working to charter a Friends of the Lake Mineral Wells State Park and Trailway non-profit fundraising and steering organization to make improvements on the 20-mile trailway that stretches from downtown Mineral Wells to Cartwright Park in Weatherford.


      With four trailheads and 16 bridges along the route, two miles running through Mineral Wells are paved with asphalt, with the remaining 18 miles of the trail lined with crushed limestone. The former railroad bed for the Weatherford, Mineral Wells and Northwestern Railroad, the trail opened for public use in 1998.

      Warren shares his vision for enhanced trailway 2019-05-30 05:00:00Z 0

      GETTING TO KNOW YOU: New City Manager Randy Criswell visits Rotary Club

      Posted on May 24, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells welcomed new Mineral Wells City Manager Randy Criswell, and his wife, Janie, to Wednesday's meeting. They are pictured above with club President JJ Dugan, left, and program chair Tanya Lukas, right.


      The former Canyon city manager began his new assignment in Mineral Wells on May 6. He has been been busily catching up on all the projects, proposals and activities under way and on the planning books.


      One of his most important immediate tasks was to become meet with and become acquainted with city administrators, department heads and as many of the approximately 175 people employed by Mineral Wells. He has also been absorbing and working on the city's new and critical economic development strategy following the report recently turned over by consultant Hawes Hill & Associates and the priorities outlined by the citizens' task force.

      GETTING TO KNOW YOU: New City Manager Randy Criswell visits Rotary Club 2019-05-24 05:00:00Z 0

      Six MWHS seniors receive local Rotary scholarships

      Posted on May 15, 2019
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Tuesday awarded scholarships to six Mineral Wells High School seniors during the school's 2019 Scholarship Assembly in the high school auditorium.
      Above, from left, Zander Adams, Brei Ruelas and Breanna Seaton were the recipients of $1,000 Rotary scholarships each. Presenting them on behalf of the club was 2020-21 president nominee Tonya Gary.
      Tonya also formally presented Rotary Club of Mineral Wells' three Four-Way Speech Contest scholarships to the three winners from earlier this year. Mia Elder, second from left, won the local contest and received a $1,000 scholarship; Rachel Carter, left, was the winner of a $500 scholarship; and Bradley Aaron received a $250 scholarship.
      Monies for local Rotary scholarships are made possible through the community's support of fundraisers including the U.S. flag subscription program, the annual Crazy Kicker 100 bike tour and other fundraisers throughout the year.
      We congratulate not only our six scholarship winners, but all who received community, academic and athletic scholarships and aid to help them advance in their educational and career pursuits and guide them to success, and serve their communities and fellow humans and, like us, put "Service Above Self."
      Six MWHS seniors receive local Rotary scholarships 2019-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

      Leadership 25 Class takes on Welcome sign, park projects

      Posted on May 08, 2019


      Light it up!


      That is theme of Leadership Mineral Wells Class 25 for its project to restore and re-light the famous "Welcome" sign located atop Bald Mountain.


      But that is not all. This class of 23 members is taking things a "step" further with plans to create a park at the base of the mountain, with steps – reminiscent of the "Fat Man Reducer" stairs up East Mountain decades ago – leading to an observation platform just below the newly restored "Welcome" sign.


      Members of the Leadership class presented their plans and fundraising efforts Wednesday to a room packed with Mineral Wells Rotarians and guests at Palo Pinto General Hospital.


      Leadership 25 Class takes on Welcome sign, park projects 2019-05-08 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians enjoy special performances from Community Christian School's One-Act Play ensemble

      Posted on May 02, 2019

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday were entertained by scenes performed by Community Christian School's One-Act Play varsity ensemble as they and the school's junior varsity and junior high acting troupes prepare for this weekend's state championships taking place in Mineral Wells.


      The Community Christian School Warrior Theater Department will compete in its seventh Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship State One-Act Play Contest on May 4th following recent wins at the TCAF District Three Contest.


      CCS Administrator and One-Act Play Director Doug Jefferson brought the high school varsity OAP performers and technicians to Rotary to perform portions of their play, "Over The Tavern," part comedy and part drama written by Tom Dudzik and set during 1950s America.

      Rotarians enjoy special performances from Community Christian School's One-Act Play ensemble 2019-05-02 05:00:00Z 0

      Conaway at Rotary

      Posted on Apr 25, 2019

      Congressman Michael Conaway spoke for about 30 minutes to members of Mineral Wells Rotary Club during the club's weekly Wednesday meeting at Palo Pinto General Hospital.


      The seven-term conservative Republican from Odessa represents Texas' 11th Congressional District, which includes Palo Pinto County and 28 other West Central Texas counties.


      Conaway at Rotary 2019-04-25 05:00:00Z 0

      Children's Alliance Center working to keep kids safe from harm, prosecute those who don't

      Posted on Apr 17, 2019

      "Wherever kids are there are predators," Shree Patterson of Children's Alliance Center for Palo Pinto County told Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday.


      If that sounds alarming, it is meant to be. They are words of caution and warning for parents trying to navigate today's technologies in a way that is safe for their children.


      Patterson, pictured left, and CACPPC Executive Director and Rotarian Linda Porter-Bradford, center, were this week's guest speakers who delivered a program centered on April being Child Abuse Prevention Month. Also pictured is Rotary Club President JJ Dugan.

      Children's Alliance Center working to keep kids safe from harm, prosecute those who don't 2019-04-17 05:00:00Z 0

      Mineral Wells on the radar for becoming a major UAS center

      Posted on Apr 16, 2019

      Fellow Rotarian and Mineral Wells Regional Airport Manager Wayne Sanderson last Wednesday gave club members an overview of how Mineral Wells and the airport is positioning itself to become a major center for unmanned aerial systems operations.


      UAS is a rapidly growing sector of the aviation industry, with pilotless aircraft of all sizes used in an array of commercial and military applications.


      Sanderson noted that Mineral Wells is in an optimal geographic location, being just outside the Metroplex restricted flight zone allows the airport to serve as a base for unmanned aerial system testing and flight operations.

      Mineral Wells on the radar for becoming a major UAS center 2019-04-16 05:00:00Z 0

      Cody Jordan – the person behind the downtown murals

      Posted on Mar 27, 2019

      Cody Jordan admits she can't draw, but she can envision and present her ideas to those who can draw and paint – especially on much larger scales then a regular piece of paper or canvas.


      A Travis Elementary School music and drama teacher by trade, Cody (pictured above right) since last fall has taken on the role of coordinating the beautiful and thought-provoking downtown murals springing up on the sides of many buildings. She, along with the talented muralists, have dedicated hours and hours of research, labor and effort – and much of their own money – in helping bring downtown Mineral Wells back to life by covering up old and ugly buildings and giving them a new look, new life and new hope.


      Anyone who has been downtown has seen them. A monarch butterfly with wings spread like those of an angel, forming the "W" along with a mountainous "M" over it for Mineral Wells. A female "pouring her heart out" as she springs from the sprout of a water can. Historic cars depicting decades of Mineral Wells history. The hope that is seen in the 1920s flapper blowing white leaves from a dandelion – and much more.

      Cody Jordan – the person behind the downtown murals 2019-03-27 05:00:00Z 0

      Palo Pinto County on Tour set for April 27

      Posted on Mar 21, 2019

      Palo Pinto County Historical Commission members Pam McCreary and Sandra Crawford on Wednesday gave Mineral Wells Rotarians a sneak peak of this year's Palo Pinto County on Tour event.


      Held every two years, this year's tour is set for Saturday, April 27.


      McCreary, pictured right, and Crawford, center, were special guests and speakers for this week's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting, invited by program chair and PPCHC member Lottie Eubanks.


      The event is a self-paced historical and wildflower driving tour. It can be started – and tickets purchased at – at any of the 2019 tour destinations.


      Palo Pinto County on Tour set for April 27 2019-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

      Interim City Manager Margie Rose tells Rotarians residents should be excited about city's future

      Posted on Mar 17, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells was proud to have interim City Manager Margie Rose speak at last Wednesday's weekly meeting, the club's first at its new home in the meeting room at Palo Pinto General Hospital.


      Club members enjoyed the delicious lunch offerings in the hospital cafeteria and PPGH staff ensured the meeting room was ready and accommodating. Rotary Club appreciates PPGH welcoming us to the hospital for our weekly Wednesday meetings.


      Rose told club members Mineral Wells citizens have much to be excited about with so many projects and positive things happening in the city, including downtown redevelopment and those plans going forward.

      Interim City Manager Margie Rose tells Rotarians residents should be excited about city's future 2019-03-17 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians hear Four-Way speeches from top two contestants

      Posted on Mar 07, 2019

      Two of this year's Rotary Four-Way Speech contestants, Rachel Carter and Mia Elder, gave their speeches to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members on Wednesday. Bradley Aaron was unable to attend.

      For the second straight year, Rachel won second place while Mia took first place, winning a $1,000 scholarship and the right to advance to district competition. Rachel received a $500 scholarship and Bradley a $250 scholarship.

      Congrats and great jobs!

      Rotarians hear Four-Way speeches from top two contestants 2019-03-07 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Four-Way Speech winners announced

      Posted on Feb 22, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells conducted its annual Four-Way Speech Contest on Thursday in Mineral Wells City Council chambers at the City Hall Annex, awarding $1,750 in scholarships.


      The winners of the 2019 contest were Mia Elder (center) winner of a $1,000 scholarship; Rachel Carter (left) winner of a $500 scholarship; and Bradley Aaron, winner of a $250 scholarship.


      For Rachel, it was her second time to receive a $500 Rotary Four-Way Speech scholarship after also taking second place in last year's speech contest.


      Mia qualifies to advance to an upcoming district Four-Way Speech Contest with an opportunity to win more scholarship monies and advance farther.


      Rotary Four-Way Speech winners announced 2019-02-22 06:00:00Z 0

      Gatewood talks about Sid Richardson and his connection to Mineral Wells

      Posted on Feb 20, 2019

      Author Jim Gatewood visited Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday to talk about his book, "Sid Richardson and Texas Oil," and regale members with several stories about the Athens, Texas, native who struck it big in the Texas oilfields.


      Gatewood said it was while Richardson was staying in Mineral Wells that his fortunes change. Having done well initially in land and oil dealings, Richardson was an avid gambler who lost much of his money during a losing streak.

      Gatewood talks about Sid Richardson and his connection to Mineral Wells 2019-02-20 06:00:00Z 0

      Libraries of today evolving into community centers

      Posted on Jan 30, 2019

      Libraries in the 21st Century are not just buildings where people read and check out books – though they still serve that purpose.


      Today's libraries have transformed themselves into community centers and places of hands-on learning, creativity and social interaction.


      That was the message Boyce Ditto Public Library Children's Librarian Jacque Fitzhugh brought to Rotary Club members during Wednesday's meeting at Holiday Hills Country Club. She is pictured above with Club President JJ Dugan.

      Libraries of today evolving into community centers 2019-01-30 06:00:00Z 0

      Hands-on career, technical education a major focus in Mineral Wells ISD

      Posted on Jan 20, 2019

      Knowing college is not for everyone, Mineral Wells ISD has long been committed to making sure students have a chance to learn and are exposed to career opportunities outside classrooms.


      MWISD has a large Career and Technical Education department giving students knowledge and hands-on experience in areas like agriculture, horticulture, culinary arts, floral design, automotive skills through its six-bay auto tech department, welding, computer-aided design, woodshop and construction, nursing and health care, veterinarian care and more.


      Not only are students able to gain valuable knowledge and actual experience, but in several of these areas they can can get certifications and embark on their careers immediately after graduating high school while choosing how and whether to pursue their education and goals.

      Hands-on career, technical education a major focus in Mineral Wells ISD 2019-01-20 06:00:00Z 0

      Mineral Wells ISD honors Rotary Club as a 'Partner in Education'

      Posted on Jan 15, 2019

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells President JJ Dugan, center, accepts on behalf of the club Mineral Wells ISD's recognition as its "January Partner in Education."


      The presentation was made at Monday's MWISD school board meeting. Dugan is pictured with MWISD board President Maria Jones, left, and MWISD Superintendent and Rotarian John Kuhn.


      Rotary Club recently provided Mineral Wells High School with a $4,000 grant to help homeless students with educational supplies and needs. Each year the local club's president selects a project to fund and assist, and helping local homeless high school students was the project Dugan selected for his term.

      Mineral Wells ISD honors Rotary Club as a 'Partner in Education' 2019-01-15 06:00:00Z 0

      Protecting seniors, elderly from financial scams subject of FFB's Rotary presentation

      Posted on Jan 09, 2019
      Led by Rotarian and First Financial Bank of Mineral Wells President Cory Crenshaw, three senior bank officers and Mineral Wells Police Department Det. Sgt. Darby Thomas on Wednesday gave local Rotarians a program on financial exploitation geared toward protecting elderly persons from scams and fraud.
      Representing First Financial Bank were vice presidents Matt Sudderth (pictured above), Trina Richards and Maria Putman.
      Like most banks and financial institutions, First Financial is committed to helping identify and stop scams and fraud, especially those that target seniors and the elderly. According to FFB's "Financial Exploitation" program, 1-in-7 senior citizens will become the victim of financial fraud – oftentimes by someone they trust like a family member or caregiver.
      Protecting seniors, elderly from financial scams subject of FFB's Rotary presentation 2019-01-09 06:00:00Z 0

      Councilwoman Underwood visits Rotary

      Posted on Jan 07, 2019

      Mineral Wells Mayor Pro Tem and Ward 2 Councilwoman Tammy Underwood, above left, helped Rotary Club of Mineral Wells kick off 2019 as the year's first guest speaker. She is pictured with club President JJ Dugan.

      The club met Wednesday, Jan. 2, at noon at Holiday Hills Country Club.

      Underwood talked about the many positive things currently going in the city, highlighted by the improvements in downtown, and talked about some of the critical issues ahead, topped by council's working toward selection of a new city manager to replace fellow Rotarian Lance Howerton, who retired Dec. 31 after serving 25 years in the city leadership role.

      Councilwoman Underwood visits Rotary 2019-01-07 06:00:00Z 0

      Helping care for students through Ram Care Closet

      Posted on Dec 30, 2018
      Mineral Wells Rotarian Dacey Malone, center, is joined by Mineral Wells High School Rotary Interact members, from left, Rachel Carter, Reagan Carter, Brei Ruelas and Ross Bullock in front of the club’s new Ram Care Closet. The Interact Club stocks personal health and hygiene supplies in the closet for students to access. Community donations to the closet are welcome.

      Poverty in the community isn’t always visible, so many students suffer quietly. Every student should have access to the basic needs of life so that they can focus on their education.

      At Mineral Wells ISD, approximately 70 percent of students qualify for free or reduced lunch. This means that most of the student body struggles to overcome many of the things taken for granted by others such as access to clothes, school supplies, personal hygiene products and many other simple necessities.

      With the help of the Mineral Wells Rotary Club, a Ram Care Closet was created last year by the MWHS Interact Club to help serve MWHS and MWJH students whose families are struggling financially and in need of a little extra help with obtaining daily necessities. Space became an issue for the supplies, so the students had to come up with a better concept.

      Helping care for students through Ram Care Closet 2018-12-30 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary presents check to help homeless high school students

      Posted on Dec 12, 2018

      Each year, Rotary Club presidents across the U.S. and around the world select a project the club and its members can support through grants using local club dollars that are then matched by Rotary International.

      This year, Rotary Club of Mineral Wells President JJ Dugan wanted to help local homeless high school students. It was a matter weighing on his heart and mind after Rotarians the previous heard a program on homeless students.

      For his president's project Dugan received club approval to provide financial support to those students in need and on Wednesday presented Mineral Wells High School counselors Hope Mesler, pictured center, and Stella Singleton, right, with a $4,000 check. Dugan submitted the project through a grant application that was approved for funding.

      Rotary presents check to help homeless high school students 2018-12-12 06:00:00Z 0

      Sellers of Texas-legal CBD products tout the benefits

      Posted on Nov 14, 2018

      Amy O'Bannon, left, and Dorothy Clark told Mineral Wells Rotarians Wednesday about their CBD – cannabidiol – products that, when used, won't make you "stoned" but could help reduce or completely relieve a variety of medical ailments or issues.


      They explained their Colorado-manufactured products – soft gels, lotions, salves, capsules, edibles and flavored tinctures – are legal in Texas without a prescription because, while they are made from hemp, they contain 0 percent THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.

      Sellers of Texas-legal CBD products tout the benefits 2018-11-14 06:00:00Z 0

      New location, opportunities for Cocoon Pregnancy Resource Center

      Posted on Oct 28, 2018
      Rotarian Christy Kik Dorr, right, spoke to Mineral Wells Rotary Club on Wednesday about the new location and opportunities for Cocoon Pregnancy Resource Center.
      Dorr started the center in 2005 at Wolters Industrial Park before moving it to the church previously known as Leaning Tree Church, which today is Grace Church, off Old Millsap Highway. The church took over the center and did a good job continuing and growing the faith-based ministry, resource and outreach organization but needed to turn its operations over to someone else.
      New location, opportunities for Cocoon Pregnancy Resource Center 2018-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

      Hobson bringing residential trade school to Mineral Wells

      Posted on Oct 22, 2018


      Rotarian and Mineral Wells Industrial Foundation Executive Director Steve Butcher said while much is being made of the changes and improvements downtown – and rightly so – he wants people to know about other positive economic developments taking place.

      "Brett Hobson is right in the middle of it," Butcher told Mineral Wells Rotarians at the club's weekly Wednesday meeting at holiday Hills Country Club.

      Comfort Experts-Hobson Heating & Air, which started in Mineral Wells five decades ago and is based in Weatherford, is returning to Mineral Wells in a big way with a new and unique residential trade school at Wolters Industrial Park.

      Hobson bringing residential trade school to Mineral Wells 2018-10-22 05:00:00Z 0

      To Kenya on a mission

      Posted on Oct 10, 2018

      West District Superintendent for the Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Lisa Neslony, center, was today's speaker, sharing with Rotarians a mission trip to Kenya in January in which several people from Mineral Wells, including today's program chair and Rotarian Rev. Eric Douglas, pictured left.

      Rev. Margie Holmes of Central UMC in Mineral Wells and First UMC Youth Director Hannah Newcomer were also among those who went on the mission trip.

      To Kenya on a mission 2018-10-10 05:00:00Z 0

      Ball reaches seventh Paul Harris Society level

      Posted on Oct 03, 2018
      Mineral Wells Rotarian Connie Ball attained her seventh Paul Harris Society level in foundational giving and was honored with the presentation of a new pin by club President JJ Dugan to commemorate her giving milestone.
      A Rotarian becomes a member of the Paul Harris Society and reaches a new level with every $1,000 donated to Rotary International's Annual Fund, PolioPlus Fund, or approved global grants. Those dollars are used to improve life and living conditions for impoverished people around the world. The purpose of the Paul Harris Society is to honor and thank individuals for their generous, ongoing support of The Rotary Foundation.
      Congratulations Connie on your unselfish giving to Rotary in support of its humanitarian missions around the world.
      Ball reaches seventh Paul Harris Society level 2018-10-03 05:00:00Z 0

      Trammell talks Texas agriculture

      Posted on Sep 17, 2018

      Kristy Trammell, RYLA Class 2011, was Wednesday's guest speaker for Rotary Club of Mineral Wells' weekly meeting at Holiday Hills County Club.

      Along with being the granddaughter of Rotarian Connie Ball, pictured left and the program chair, Trammell is a May 2017 graduate of Abilene Christian University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science: Livestock Management and Production.

      She is now with the USDA Farm Services Agency as a county operations trainee in Taylor County (Abilene).

      Trammell talked about the agriculture products in Palo Pinto County and across the state. She said the county has about 47,000 heads of beef cattle. She said she enjoys working with commodity products such as grapes used in wineries and peaches and pecans grown in this area.

      Also pictured is club President JJ Dugan.

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meets every Wednesday at noon at HHCC for lunch, networking, updates on club projects and a program of interest. If you are interested in learning more about Rotary Cub and becoming a member, contact a Rotarian. You probably know at least one local member – possibly several.

      Trammell talks Texas agriculture 2018-09-17 05:00:00Z 0

      The tip of the Berg when it comes to reading faster, retaining more

      Posted on Sep 10, 2018
      Recognized as the world’s fastest reader thanks to the cutting-edge accelerated learning techniques he developed that turn information overload into information assets, Howard Berg, pictured right, was the guest speaker at the Sept. 5, 2018, meeting.
      It was a very interesting and entertaining program. Berg is respected internationally for his contribution to the learning process, he is listed in the 1990 Guinness Book of World Records for reading more than 25,000 words a minute and writing more than 100 words a minute. Howard uses his talents to train you on how to stay on top of the information your success depends upon.
      He shared several of his reading retention and motivational tips, and offered his services to help adults and students learn to read faster and retain more information. Find videos Berg has created on YouTube or visit
      The tip of the Berg when it comes to reading faster, retaining more 2018-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

      United Way gearing up for start of 2018 fundraising campaign

      Posted on Aug 29, 2018

      With a $120,000 fundraising goal, the 2018 United Way of Palo Pinto County campaign is ready to begin Saturday.

      The campaign officially runs through Oct. 31, but as United Way Executive Director Shaina Davis, pictured center, told members of Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday, every day is a day one can give to United Way.

      In fact, United Way has fundraisers throughout the year, including the Mother-Son Dance in the spring and the upcoming Penny Auction. This year, a new fundraiser is being planned, a winter beauty pageant. Details on that to come later.

      United Way gearing up for start of 2018 fundraising campaign 2018-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

      Connie Ball receives District 5790 honor

      Posted on Aug 29, 2018
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells President JJ Dugan, right, on Wednesday presented Connie Ball with a Rotary District 5790 "People of Action" honor.
      Rotary District 5790 Governor Gerald Robinson brought the honor for Ball and three other members to the Aug.15 meeting, however Ball was unable to attend so Dugan made the presentation at this week's meeting.
      The tote bags contained gifts, including a Rotary phone and device charger. Ball is a past Rotary Club president and is the current Community Service chair director. Among the many things she does for Rotary Club are scheduling Meals on Wheel deliveries for members every Friday and the elementary school book reading schedule promoting the club's emphasis on childhood literacy.
      Connie Ball receives District 5790 honor 2018-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

      People of Action presentations

      Posted on Aug 24, 2018
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells President JJ Dugan, right, on Wednesday presented Tonya Gary and President-Elect David May with Rotary District 5790 "People of Action" honors. Rotary District 5790 Governor Gerald Robinson brought the honors to last week's meeting, however neither Gary nor May were able to attend so Dugan made the presentations at this week's meeting.
      The tote bags contained gifts, including a Rotary phone and device charger. May was additionally presented the book "Perfect Engagement: A practical guide to a more dynamic Rotary club."
      Besides being president-elect, May currently holds positions of flag program chair and media chair. Tonya Gary is the current Club Service chair and has been involved in several areas including fund-raising and social events as well as the Crazy Kicker 100 cycling event.
      People of Action presentations 2018-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

      Randy, Misty Nix outline downtown vision, efforts

      Posted on Aug 13, 2018

      (This story provided courtesy of the Mineral Wells Index.)

      While some talked and others balked, Randy and Misty Nix went to work, putting their money and their hearts into rebuilding and revitalizing downtown Mineral Wells. They are pictured above with Mineral Wells Rotary Club President JJ Dugan.

      Those who work in or recently visited or driven through the city’s central business district have seen the immediate uplift through the Nixes’ acquisition of buildings that are being transformed, restored, refurbished and – more importantly – occupied or soon-to-be occupied with new businesses.

      Call them Crazy Town’s Renaissance Couple.

      Randy, Misty Nix outline downtown vision, efforts 2018-08-13 05:00:00Z 0

      County Judge Nicklas discusses EMS and ESDs with Rotarians

      Posted on Jul 27, 2018

      Emergency services in Palo Pinto County are beginning to get a little more confusing for some. County Judge David Nicklas spoke Wednesday at this week's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting to try and clear up some of that confusion.

      County commissioners recently received a petition from a group asking the county put on the Nov. 6 ballot a question seeking to create Emergency Services District No. 4. The proposed district's boundary is the former Possum Kingdom East EMS service boundary that encompasses the east side of Possum Kingdom Lake south to U.S. Highway 180 then west to the Stephens County line.

      The petitioning group wants to contract for 911 EMS service within its new ESD if approved by voters. ESD No. 1, which covers the entire county, already has 911 EMS service for the rural areas of the county not covered by ESD No. 2 in the southeast and Santo area, and Mineral Wells and the area covered by the city's EMS. Sacred Cross EMS is currently under contract by ESD No. 1 to provide that paid, 24/7 service.

      County Judge Nicklas discusses EMS and ESDs with Rotarians 2018-07-27 05:00:00Z 0

      Dwayne Lee takes us to the beaches of D-Day

      Posted on Jul 18, 2018
      Arlington Sunrise Rotary Club member and past president Dwayne Lee, center,  visited the Mineral Wells club Wednesday, giving his program and photographic presentation on his trip to the five beaches used June 6, 1944, by the U.S. military and allied forces to storm Normandy, France, on what is known as D-Day to free the French from Hitler's German reign.
      Calling it a "bucket list" trip, Lee has two return trips planned, taking 10 people. The first one is filled but the second one in August 2019 has seven openings for anyone interested in going.
      A professional photographer and owner of Southern Flair Photography, Lee showed Rotarians how the beaches and coastline look today and the many memorials and museums created by the French to remember the fight for Freedom and honor the thousands of Americans and allied soldiers killed in what is history's largest military invasion by air, land and sea. He also showed and described the American cemetery there that many have seen in person or in photos of the perfectly lined rows of white crosses and stars.
      Dwayne Lee takes us to the beaches of D-Day 2018-07-18 05:00:00Z 0

      Dunn, Lively recipients of Rotary Club's first 'Above and Beyond' awards

      Posted on Jun 20, 2018

      Mineral Wells Assistant Fire Chief Ryan Dunn, second from left, and MWPD Patrolman Thomas Lively, second from right, are the first recipients of Rotary Club of Mineral Wells' "Above and Beyond" awards honoring local first responders.

      Rotary Vocational Service Chair Keri Walden, far right, was asked by club President David Cairone, left, to initiate a first responders recognition program. Walden, who is also the city's Municipal Court judge, said she sent nomination forms to law enforcement, fire and EMS departments in the county.

      Dunn, Lively recipients of Rotary Club's first 'Above and Beyond' awards 2018-06-20 05:00:00Z 0

      Colby O'Bannon, Cassidy Davila experience Camp RYLA 2018

      Posted on Jun 15, 2018

      Colby O'Bannon and Cassidy Davila are Rotary Club of Mineral Wells' sponsored Rotary District 5790 Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) attendees at Texas Woman's University in Denton.

      This “Leaders of Tomorrow” experience includes forums for teamwork, communication, and consensus building in an environment that challenges personal and team responsibilities. Through cabin activities, athletic events, educational workshops, and team-building exercises they learn to work with other leaders in your community to achieve a common goal.

      This annual leadership summer camp provides almost two hundred outstanding high school student leaders, opportunities to expand and hone their leadership skills in a weeklong program.

      Colby O'Bannon, Cassidy Davila experience Camp RYLA 2018 2018-06-15 05:00:00Z 0

      Parker County Economic Development Council, City of Mineral Wells working together to land plane engine manufacturer

      Posted on Jun 13, 2018

      Still a relatively new organization, Parker County Economic Development Council Executive Director Tim Von Kennel and Executive Assistant Robin Dalton spoke at a well-attended Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting Wednesday that focused in part on how the council can work with the City of Mineral Wells as well as Parker County and Weatherford.

      Regional economic development efforts are not uncommon. They are often ways for two or more areas to combine and pool economic development resources and dollars to help compete against larger economic development entities and efforts.

      Parker County Economic Development Council, City of Mineral Wells working together to land plane engine manufacturer 2018-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary Club supports Mission Mineral Wells

      Posted on Jun 06, 2018
      From left, Pulse Ministries Executive Director Rose McCombs JordanRusty Calhoun and Brian Leatherman are all smiles after receiving a check from Rotary Club of Mineral Wells for $1,000 to support this year's Summer Mission project. Volunteers are working on three homes in the Project 365 Zone in southeast Mineral Wells. More volunteers are needed for the rest of the week. Meet at 7:30 a.m. every morning through Saturday at Mineral Wells Church of God.
      Rotary Club supports Mission Mineral Wells 2018-06-06 05:00:00Z 0

      Mayor Perricone speaks to Rotary Club

      Posted on May 23, 2018

      Rotarian and new Mineral Wells Mayor Christopher Perricone, left, was guest speaker for today's Mineral Wells Rotary Club meeting at Holiday Hills Country Club. He is pictured with program chair for the week Tanya Lukas.

      Perricone spoke for about 30 minutes, including a question-and-answer session in which he asked Rotarians and guests in attendance their thoughts and suggestions.

      Mayor Perricone speaks to Rotary Club 2018-05-23 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary scholarships presented

      Posted on May 21, 2018
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells presented scholarships on May 15, 2018, to Mineral Wells High School graduating seniors Esmerald Gonzalez, Jamiah Fisher, AJ Butler and Sevens Seargeant. The presentations were made by Rotarian Janette Green during the annual scholarships awards assembly at the high school auditorium. The club previously presented Four-Way Speech contest scholarships to Kate Gilbreath, Rachel Carter and Kiarra Pruitt.
      Rotary scholarships presented 2018-05-21 05:00:00Z 0

      STAR Council offers more than alcohol, drug addiction treatment services

      Posted on May 17, 2018

      STAR Council on Substance Abuse is primarily a regional non-profit agency providing comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment services and programs.

      But they offer much more than that.

      Terah Gibson on Wednesday outlined for Mineral Wells Rotarians all of the programs STAR Council offers, including their work in schools with youth offering Life Skills and anti-bullying sessions, as well as anti-drug and alcohol messages and even drug testing. STAR Council also offers a Battering Intervention Prevention Program (BIPP), and recently hosted a sexual assault training and education symposium in Mineral Wells. The council also works with other non-profit organizations, such as Back Pack Buddies and school free lunch programs, Gibson said.

      STAR Council offers more than alcohol, drug addiction treatment services 2018-05-17 05:00:00Z 0

      Community Christian School thespians perform scenes from state-winning play 'The Diviners'

      Posted on May 09, 2018
      Community Christian School's One-ActPlay cast and crew performed several scenes from its state-winning one-act play "The Diviners."
      Under the direction of Administrator Doug Jefferson, CCS won its sixth consecutive Texas Christian Athletic/Artistic Fellowship one-act play championship. The state competition was once again hosted by CCS at the Mineral Wells campus of Weatherford College theater. 
      Community Christian School thespians perform scenes from state-winning play 'The Diviners' 2018-05-09 05:00:00Z 0

      District Governor-Elect Gerald Robinson visits

      Posted on May 05, 2018

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells was fortunate to have District 5790 Governor-Elect Gerald Robinson, from Flower Mound, pictured second from left, visit the club this past Wednesday. Also pictured, from left, are Mineral Wells club President David Cairone, club Foundation Chair Nancy Cameron and President-Elect JJ Dugan.

      Robinson touched on several Rotary topics, but especially spoke about the district's June 2019 service project trip to the Central America Republic of Guatemala, hoping to take 150 Rotarians, families and friends to work and fellowship with families, people and fellow Rotarians.

      District Governor-Elect Gerald Robinson visits 2018-05-05 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians introduced to new library director

      Posted on Apr 11, 2018

      Public libraries are not dead. In fact, they are teeming with activities and users, in person and online, and remain one of the best sources of free information and data.

      That is the message new Boyce Ditto Public Library Director Louanne Noel brought to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells. She is pictured above center, with program chair Tonya Gary, left, and club President David Cairone.

      Rotarians introduced to new library director 2018-04-11 05:00:00Z 0

      Four-Way Speech contestants deliver orations

      Posted on Apr 04, 2018

      The contestants of this year' Rotary Club of Mineral Wells Four-Way Speech contest, which took Place Feb. 15, presented their orations to the club during Wednesday's weekly program at Holiday Hills Country Club.

      Program chair for the day Karyn Bullock introduced Kiarra Pruitt (third place), Rachel Carter (second place) and Kate Gilbreath (first place), noting that all three Mineral Wells High School students are in the overall top 10 academically of their class. Pruitt and Gilbreath are seniors and Carter is a junior.

      Four-Way Speech contestants deliver orations 2018-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

      This week's Rotary meeting a watershed event

      Posted on Mar 28, 2018

      Blake Kettler, area project manager of Possum Kingdom Lake for the Brazos River Authority, gave an informative and detailed presentation today to a packed Rotary meeting room about the BRA, the watershed it manages and controls and Possum Kingdom Lake. He is pictured with program chair for the day Stacy Choate, left, and club President David Cairone, right. They are standing beside a model of a gate used on Morris Sheppard Dam at Possum Kingdom Lake.

      With a watershed stretching from the Texas Panhandle almost at the New Mexico state line to the Gulf of Mexico south of Freeport, it totals 1,050 miles and comprises 44,620 square miles, 42,000 of which are in Texas. The Brazos River begins at the confluence of the upper forks of the river, the Salt and Double Mountain, in Stonewall County. The Clear Fork joins the river just above Possum Kingdom Lake in Young County.

      This week's Rotary meeting a watershed event 2018-03-28 05:00:00Z 0

      High-flying celebration planned for airport's 75th anniversary

      Posted on Mar 21, 2018

      Rotarian and Mineral Wells Municipal Airport Manager Wayne Sanderson is making final preparations for takeoff, celebrating the airport's 75th year of operations.

      An event is charted for Saturday, May 19, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and will feature what he hopes will be 50-100 planes, a car and motorcycle show, live music, food trucks and a program talking about the airport's history and impact on regional aviation.

      Sanderson said he is working on efforts to grow and expand the airport. With the population growth forecasts in Parker County, he envisions a need for more hangars. He said plans are to add 10 a year for at least the next several years to meet the expected demand. He said the airport is also seeing more requests from plane owners wanting to build private hangars.

      High-flying celebration planned for airport's 75th anniversary 2018-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

      Going downtown – Lance Howerton leads discussion of plans for city's business center

      Posted on Mar 14, 2018

      Like traffic zooming through the center of town, plans to begin redeveloping downtown Mineral Wells are on a fast pace to initial implementation.

      Mineral Wells Rotarians on Wednesday heard a more in-depth presentation from City Manager Lance Howerton about the designs and plans for a downtown makeover that includes gateway features to help give downtown an identity, landscaping, new intersection features, canopies and pedestrian alley to take visitors from the parking areas to the shops and restaurants on North Oak Avenue.

      Going downtown – Lance Howerton leads discussion of plans for city's business center 2018-03-14 05:00:00Z 0

      Sticking around on spring break? How about a 'Staycation'

      Posted on Mar 07, 2018


      Oh won't you staaaaay ...

      Mineral Wells Area Chamber of Commerce Tourism and Marketing Director Ryan Oliver, pictured right, not only wants people outside Mineral Wells to know what the area has to offer – he wants people already here to know.

      Oliver was Wednesday's program guest speaker, telling Rotarians about the chamber's "Spring Break Staycation" event on Friday, March 16. It is an effort to show locals some of the attractions and activities available at home in hopes they will spread the word, or know how to answer the question, "What is there to do here?"

      "Staycation" is a day-long tour aboard a Public Transit bus that will take "vacationers" to the Old Jail Museum in Palo Pinto, the Mineral Wells Fossil Park, downtown for lunch at the Brazos Market & Bistro, then the National Vietnam War Museum, Lake Mineral Wells State Park & Trailway, Clark Gardens and Famous Water Company.

      Sticking around on spring break? How about a 'Staycation' 2018-03-07 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary on the grow with three new members inducted

      Posted on Mar 07, 2018
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today inducted three new members into the organization. Pictured with club President David Cairone, left, are new Rotarians Christy Kik Dorr, Bill Jones and Stacy Choate.
      Rotary Club members gave them a standing ovation and encouragement to follow the Rotary creed of "Service Above Self" while following the principles of Rotary's Four-Way Test.
      For information about becoming a Rotarian look for the membership links on the club's homepage or ask a Rotarian about the organization. The club meets every Wednesday at noon at Holiday Hills Country Club for lunch, networking, updates on club news and events and a program of interest.
      Rotary on the grow with three new members inducted 2018-03-07 06:00:00Z 0

      Ready to walk across Texas?

      Posted on Feb 21, 2018
      Are you ready to walk across Texas? If you don't want to actually walk across the Lone Star State, you could do the equivalent in combination with team members in a friendly challenge with other teams.

      It is called "Walk Across Texas" and put on annually by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to encourage people to walk and exercise.

      The event seeks teams of no more than eight people that combine their total miles walked during the eight-week challenge period to determine which teams walked the farthest. The idea is for each team to walk at least 834 miles – the distance across Texas.

      Ready to walk across Texas? 2018-02-21 06:00:00Z 0

      Three students win Rotary scholarships in 4-Way Test Speech Contest

      Posted on Feb 18, 2018
      The winner of our 2018 Four-Way Test Speech Contest this evening is Kate Gilbreath, center. She received a $1,000 scholarship and can advance to the Rotary District 5790 competition. In second place and receiving a $500 scholarship was Rachel Carter, left. The third-place contestant was Kiarra Pruitt, winning a $250 scholarship. Our judges and timekeeper were Rotarians Wayne SandersonBarbara TuckerKeri Walden and Janette Green. Congratulations ladies. We wish you the best in all of your pursuits and endeavors.
      Three students win Rotary scholarships in 4-Way Test Speech Contest 2018-02-18 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians book school librarians for weekly program

      Posted on Feb 07, 2018


      Pictured, from left, with Mineral Wells ISD Special Program Director Natalie Griffin are Mineral Wells ISD librarians Beth Friedel Henderson (Mineral Wells Junior High School), Cathy Hammond (Travis Elementary and district librarian) and Kira Buck (Lamar Elementary). The three librarians were an open book for Rotarians on Wednesday, talking about the programs, services and community outreach offered by the district.

      Henderson gave an example of how much libraries have changed and continue to change. At Mineral Wells Junior High School, the library is not a place where you will be "shuuushed" for talking. It is typically a hive of activity with different groups doing many different things such as computer instruction or programming and Maker Space hands-on activities.

      Rotarians book school librarians for weekly program 2018-02-07 06:00:00Z 0

      Dublin-area author, cowboy poet visits Rotary Club

      Posted on Feb 01, 2018

      Author, cowboy poet and storyteller Elaine Smith was Wednesday's program speaker. An Erath County resident, Smith talked about her work and relationship with the Texas Commission on the Arts as a speaker.

      She talked about her mother, who climbed down from her log cabin on a West Virginia mountainside to join the Women's Army Corps and serve the nation during World War II as a clerk, stationed in Carlsbad, N.M.

      Smith shared a couple of her poems, including one of her favorites, "The Blue Buffalo," and her biography of Virginia Reger, a rodeo star who trained her horse to jump over cars.

      She also discussed topics and tips for self-improvement and time management, showing some techniques she uses in her daily life.

      Smith is pictured with Rotary Club of Mineral Wells President David Cairone, left, and program chair for the day J.J. Dugan. Learn more about Elaine here.

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meets every Wednesday at noon at Holiday Hills Country Club for lunch, networking, updates on club news and events and a program of interest. Come join us.

      Dublin-area author, cowboy poet visits Rotary Club 2018-02-01 06:00:00Z 0

      Crutcher, Doss Heritage and Culture Center have a case of cabin fever

      Posted on Jan 25, 2018

      There is always something exciting going on at the Doss Heritage and Culture Center in Weatherford, where lately people have been overcome with cases of cabin fever, leading to excitement and anticipation of the future.

      Lorraine Crutcher, pictured center, is the marketing and events manager for The Doss. She spoke at Wednesday's weekly Rotary Club of Mineral Wells meeting to talk about the Doss, and in particular development of its Pioneer Cabin Park, located on about 2 acres of property acquired from Weatherford College on the west side of the DHCC, located at Texas Drive and Santa Fe Drive.

      The village has been in development since 2014. Ground was broken in February 2016. The first cabin, the McDonald Cabin, was moved to the park last Sept. 14th. Two weeks ago, DHCC received its second, the Strain cabin that was moved from the Brock area and through Weatherford on Santa Fe Drive.

      Crutcher, Doss Heritage and Culture Center have a case of cabin fever 2018-01-25 06:00:00Z 0

      Brent Baker educates Rotarians on Weatherford College's offerings and talks of a new Mineral Wells campus

      Posted on Jan 19, 2018
      Interim Weatherford College President Brent Baker, pictured center, spoke to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday to discuss the college’s current local campus and offerings as well as discussions and plans for expanding the college’s presence locally. Also pictured are program chair John Kuhn, left, and club President David Cairone.

      Baker said discussions for nearly two years have taken place between college officials and local school, government, business and civic leaders about opening a branch campus in Mineral Wells. 

      “I think we all agree that long term Fort Wolters is not the answer,” Baker said, referring to Weatherford College’s Mineral Wells Campus, which he said the main building is “one HVAC hiccup from becoming a major expense.”

      Brent Baker educates Rotarians on Weatherford College's offerings and talks of a new Mineral Wells campus 2018-01-19 06:00:00Z 0

      Kimberly Acheson Hoffman inducted into Rotary Club

      Posted on Jan 17, 2018
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday inducted Kimberly Acheson Hoffman as its newest member. A Realtor for Clark Real Estate Group, Kim is a Mineral Wells resident. Her membership sponsor is Saskia Vaughan, who presented Kim with her membership pin. Kim has already become involved in a couple of areas with the club, participating on the Vocation Services and Social committees. Pictured above with club President David Cairone, we welcome Kim into Rotary Club of Mineral Wells and look forward to her service to help better our community, nation and world alongside her fellow Rotarians. 
      Kimberly Acheson Hoffman inducted into Rotary Club 2018-01-17 06:00:00Z 0

      County high school students sought to compete in Four-Way Test speech contest

      Posted on Jan 17, 2018
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells is seeking area high school students to compete in our annual Four-Way Speech Contest for a chance to one a first ($1,000), second ($500) or third place ($250) scholarship cash prize.
      The purpose of the 4-Way Test Speech Contest is to foster the principles of ethics in everyday life as well as in business. The contest is designed to introduce high school students to Rotary by creating interest through a competitive speech contest, sponsored by their local Rotary club.
      The speech contestants may speak on any subject to which they can apply “The Four-Way Test” The speech must reflect clearly the practical application of all four points of the Four-Way Test.
      All high schools in Palo Pinto County have been notified so see your campus counselor for information to enter. The deadline to enter is Feb. 9 and the contest is Feb. 15 at Mineral Wells City Hall Annex.
      County high school students sought to compete in Four-Way Test speech contest 2018-01-17 06:00:00Z 0

      Medical diagnosis by the slice - 64 of them

      Posted on Jan 10, 2018

      Chief Radiologist Joe Erwin on Wednesday gave Mineral Wells Rotarians a picture of Palo Pinto General Hospital's digital imaging capabilities.

      The hospital is almost a year into the use of its GE LightSpeed 64-slice CT Scanner. CT stands for computerized tomography, a process that takes and combines a series of X-Ray images from different angles – in this case a 360-degree view – and creates a cross-section display of the individual images, or slices, with much more detail than standard X-Rays.

      Medical diagnosis by the slice - 64 of them 2018-01-10 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians kick in new year with Michael Lovell's karate program

      Posted on Jan 03, 2018

      A third-degree black belt preparing to test for his fourth-degree black belt, American karate master Michael Lovell shared with Mineral Wells Rotary Club members on Wednesday his approach to teaching the martial art form.

      No matter the age, Lovell begins with teaching manners and respect, followed by other life skills such as saying "Yes ma'am" or "No sir."

      For Lovell karate is a multi-discipline martial art that requires self-control and focus, something he said he had to learn as a quick-tempered kid growing up.

      Rotarians kick in new year with Michael Lovell's karate program 2018-01-03 06:00:00Z 0
      "We Are This Close" 2017-12-19 06:00:00Z 0
      Rotary provides solar panels to help bring light to isolated Navajo homes 2017-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary provides Christmas gifts for homeless students

      Posted on Dec 18, 2017
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members recently donated clothing items, presents and gift cards to give to students in Mineral Wells ISD who are homeless. Some live in their cars, some stay with friends, some bouncing home to home. There are several dozen such students in the district. Gifts were presented today by Rotarian Tonya Gary to the high school and junior high school, with Mineral Wells Junior High School Principal Shanna Coker pictured accepting those gifts. Thanks also to Rotarian and MWISD Public Information Director Karyn Bullock​ for coordinating this effort. We hope the gifts bring some joy to these students so that, while we don't know who they are, they know they are not forgotten at Christmastime.
      Rotary provides Christmas gifts for homeless students 2017-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians meet hospital's new surgeon, OB/GYN Dr. Rebecca Poole

      Posted on Dec 14, 2017

      Palo Pinto General Hospital's new surgeon and OB/GYN Dr. Rebecca Poole, center, introduced herself to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members on Wednesday.

      She was invited to speak by Rotarian and PPGH Chief Executive Officer Harris Brooks, right. Also pictured is club President David Cairone.

      Poole discussed her approach to medicine, health care and women's health including the use of estrogenic hormones.

      Rotarians meet hospital's new surgeon, OB/GYN Dr. Rebecca Poole 2017-12-14 06:00:00Z 0

      Three new members welcomed into Mineral Wells Rotary 

      Posted on Dec 14, 2017
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells is on the go and the grow, welcoming three new members on Wednesday.
      Candi Wallis Pearson (far right), Crystal Cameron (second from left) and Chris Perricone (second from right) were formally inducted into the club by President David Cairone (far left) during this week's meeting at Holiday Hills Country Club. Sponsoring Candi for membership was Tonya Fulmar Gary. Crystal was sponsored by her sister, Nancy Cameron, and Chris was sponsored for membership by Beth Henary Watson.
      If you would like to become a Rotarian and help us put "Service Above Self" in our community, contact any member for more information. You can also download a membership application here.
      Three new members welcomed into Mineral Wells Rotary  2017-12-14 06:00:00Z 0

      Groups receive Rotary checks for flag project participation

      Posted on Dec 04, 2017
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells is continuing to hand out $1,000 checks to each of the six local groups that serviced Rotary's flag routes this year.
      Pictured above representing Mineral Wells High School Theatre are Principal Jon Almeida, MWHS Theatre Troup 4607 President Tori Echols and Theatre Director Seth Hunter Williams.
      Groups receive Rotary checks for flag project participation 2017-12-04 06:00:00Z 0


      Teams sought to bowl against polio

      Posted on Dec 04, 2017

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells is seeking teams for its first Super Bowling I event on Saturday, Feb. 3, at Mountaineer Lanes.

      Entry is $250 per team ($50 per bowler) and includes three games and shoe rental.

        Teams sought to bowl against polio 2017-12-04 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotary shares Crazy Kicker 100 proceeds with United Way

      Posted on Nov 15, 2017
      Shaina Davis, center, executive director for United Way of Palo Pinto County, accepts a check for $1,050 from Mineral Wells Rotary Club for its share of rider registrations from the Oct. 21 Crazy Kicker 100. Davis attended Wednesday's weekly meeting and is pictured with club President Daivid Cairone, left, and this year's Crazy Kicker 100 Chairman JJ Dugan.
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells partnered with United Way of Palo Pinto County to share $5 of every rider registration with the non-profit agency that supports 11 local and area non-profit organizations providing services to people young and old throughout Palo Pinto County.
      Rotary Club intends to continue that relationship with UWPPC for next year's ride, set for Saturday, Oct. 20. Registration will begin Jan. 1. The club thanks all of the riders who took part in this year's event and for helping be part of helping the citizens of our community.
      United Way of Palo Pinto County's 2017 fundraising goal continues, and a donation or pledge can be made anytime. Click the UWPPC link above for more information, or contact Davis at 940-325-4848 or
      Rotary shares Crazy Kicker 100 proceeds with United Way 2017-11-15 06:00:00Z 0

      JC Colton talks about hospital, college and service to the community

      Posted on Nov 15, 2017
      JC Colton, center, was this week's Rotary Club guest speaker. He is pictured with club President David Cairone, left, and program chair Jeanette Ender.
      Colton is associate dean for Instructional Services at Weatherford College's Education Center in Mineral Wells, and chairman of the Palo Pinto County Hospital Board. He talked about serving Mineral Wells and Palo Pinto County in those capacities. Colton has served on the hospital board for 20 years and counting.
      He praised his fellow hospital board members, Rotarian and Palo Pinto General Hospital CEO Harris Brooks and Rotarians and PPGH department heads Mary Braddock (human resources), Diane Brown (foundation and auxiliary) and James Fesser (nursing director) as well everyone who works at the hospital for their dedication to quality and care.
      JC Colton talks about hospital, college and service to the community 2017-11-15 06:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians value this week's program on Palo Pinto Appraisal District

      Posted on Nov 09, 2017

      Wednesday's program was valuable and appraised high, with Palo Pinto Appraisal District Chief Appraiser Donna Kozlovsky, pictured center, giving the program. She brought with her PPAD Deputy Chief Appraiser Chuck Lyon, far right, and Exemption Clerk Amanda Salters, second from right.

      Also pictured are Rotary Club President-Elect JJ Dugan, far left, and this week's program chair Charles Thompson.

      Kozlovsky gave an overview of PPAD and how it goes about appraising the values of residential and commercial properties. Kozlovsky said they try to inspect every property at least once every three years, and the goal is to appraise properties to within 95 percent to 100 percent of market value.

      Rotarians value this week's program on Palo Pinto Appraisal District 2017-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

      New member orientation Nov. 14

      Posted on Nov 05, 2017
      With a number of new Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members, a new member orientation is planned for Tuesday, Nov. 14.

      This is a change from the original Nov. 9 date.

      The meeting will take place at Four Seasons Dental at 510 S.E. 1st St. Saskia Vaughan will lead new members through about an hour-long orientation on what it means to a member of Rotary International and Rotary Club of Mineral Wells.

      Much of Saskia's presentation will be centered on this new member orientation guide. This brief orientation is not only good for new members, but other members are also invited to attend if interested.

      If planning to attend, RSVP Saskia by Friday, Nov. 10, at There will be light snacks, wine and cheese.

      New member orientation Nov. 14 2017-11-05 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians learn about new Mineral Wells company AMR

      Posted on Nov 02, 2017

      Mineral Wells Rotarians now know just what how big American Medical Response Inc. is and the impact it has nationally and internationally after AMR's Director of Fleet Resource Initiatives Ken Thom, pictured second from left, spoke at Wednesday's weekly meeting at Holiday Hills Country Club. Also pictured, from left, are Mineral Wells Industrial Foundation President Richard Ball, Area Growth Council Executive Director Steve Butcher, Rotary Club President David Cairone and Mineral Wells City Manager Lance Howerton.

      Thom will be over AMR's new ambulance and fleet refurbishment facility – the company's first such plant – in Mineral Wells. AMR is currently renovating the former Baker Hughes facility on Tradeway Drive in the industrial park off U.S. Highway 180 East, making about $1.3 million in changes and improvements.

      The property is 19 acres with seven buildings, which Thom said is larger than what AMR currently needs, but he said it has given rise to future possibilities of expanding the types of production there along with other potential opportunities he said company officials are exploring.

      Rotarians learn about new Mineral Wells company AMR 2017-11-02 05:00:00Z 0

      State Rep. Patrick Fallon tells of running a different race

      Posted on Oct 30, 2017

      As a state representative from Frisco, Patrick Fallon is accustomed to running races. Political ones.

      The one he ran in early January 2016 was completely different.

      With little training and no experience, the former Notre Dame football player and U.S. Air Force captain did the unthinkable and practically impossible for someone like him – complete the World Marathon Challenge, running seven marathons on seven continents in seven days.

      State Rep. Patrick Fallon tells of running a different race 2017-10-30 05:00:00Z 0
      Tuesday is Rotary World Polio Day 2017-10-22 05:00:00Z 0

      Former NASA engineer Suchocki takes Rotarians to space and back

      Posted on Oct 18, 2017

      This week's Rotary Club of Mineral Wells program was out of this world. Literally.

      Guest speaker for today's program was Bernard Suchocki, pictured center with Rotary program chairman JJ Dugan, left, and club President David Cairone.

      Before he became an attorney and member of Willow Park City Council in Parker County, Suchocki was an aerospace engineer for NASA from 1971 to 1981, developing software and working on projects, including Apollo missions and the famous and nearly catastrophic Apollo 13 flight.

      Former NASA engineer Suchocki takes Rotarians to space and back 2017-10-18 05:00:00Z 0

      Mike Allen talks bond election

      Posted on Oct 11, 2017

      Mike Allen, speaking as a citizen and not the Mineral Wells mayor, spoke today to Rotary Club of Mineral Wells to raise awareness and support of the Nov. 7 city bond election.

      Voters living in Mineral Wells will decide the fates of three bond propositions totaling $17.26 million. Listed separately, voters can approve or reject any of the three propositions. They are:

      Mike Allen talks bond election 2017-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary pilots new approach to peace and spotlights six peacemakers

      Posted on Sep 27, 2017


      ​​​​​​​EVANSTON, Ill. (September 21, 2017) — Rotary has entered a new partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) to enhance its peace and conflict resolution efforts with data-driven methodologies and tools; as it honors six ‘Champions of Peace.’

      The partnership with IEP – a global think tank that pioneered a conceptual framework for ‘Positive Peace’  – enables both organizations to work together to create an online learning platform with webinars and interactive tools to teach Rotary members and Rotary Peace Fellows to apply new peacebuilding methods to their communities while addressing underlying causes of conflicts. In addition, the partnership allows for the development of local workshops hosted by Rotary clubs to educate communities about positive peace.

      Rotary pilots new approach to peace and spotlights six peacemakers 2017-09-27 05:00:00Z 0

      Judge Nicklas explains ESD No. 1 sales tax referendum

      Posted on Sep 27, 2017

      Palo Pinto County Judge David Nicklas presented Rotary Club of Mineral Wells members Wednesday with information about the Nov. 7 sales tax election for Emergency Services District No. 1.

      All registered county voters can cast a ballot for or against the proposition. However if passed, sales taxes for ESD No. 1 would only be collected outside Mineral Wells, ESD No. 2, Graford, Gordon, Mingus and Strawn.

      Those smaller incorporated towns outside Mineral Wells and Santo would still benefit from county paid EMS service – and the Santo and ESD No. 2 areas could in the future receive full-time paid EMS service should they opt to consolidate. But that is later down the road.

      Judge Nicklas explains ESD No. 1 sales tax referendum 2017-09-27 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary teams up with Humane Society to provide free rabies shots for low-income households

      Posted on Sep 05, 2017
      Through a matching foundation grant, Rotary Club of Mineral Wells has teamed up with the Palo Pinto County Humane Society provide free rabies vaccinations for pets living in low-income households.
      Rotarian and PPCHS member Nancy Cameron is heading up the effort, that will provide 200 free rabies shots this fall, and another 200 in the spring of 2018.
      See the flyer and contact Nancy to see if you qualify as a single person, a household of two adults or a family of four or more.
      Nancy said she hopes to provide rabies vaccination clinics in the future through the program.
      Rotary teams up with Humane Society to provide free rabies shots for low-income households 2017-09-05 05:00:00Z 0

      Club honored for its End Polio effort, hears about Rotary's project to eradicate virus globally

      Posted on Aug 30, 2017

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells Treasurer Dan Steele, left, and President David Cairone hold the banner the club received Aug. 19 for 100 percent membership contribution to Rotary International's "End Polio Now" campaign.

      The Mineral Wells chapter was one of three out of the 70 clubs in Rotary District 5790 to earn the distinction, announced and presented at a district educational seminar in Fort Worth on Aug. 19.

      Club honored for its End Polio effort, hears about Rotary's project to eradicate virus globally 2017-08-30 05:00:00Z 0

      Toastmasters give Rotarians something to talk about

      Posted on Aug 23, 2017

      Thanks to Toastmasters, Bill Smith and the other 22 members of the local chapter, "Something To Talk About," are never left speechless. They are always prepared to say something and do it with confidence and without anxiety – whether to a small group, a large group or talking with co-workers or friends.

      Smith, pictured second from left, gave Wednesday's program at Holiday Hills Country Club, joined by past club president Ninfa Flewitt, left. Also pictured are today's program chair Nancy Cameron and club President David Cairone.

      Toastmasters give Rotarians something to talk about 2017-08-23 05:00:00Z 0
      Rotarian Thompson honored for Foundation giving 2017-08-23 05:00:00Z 0

      VIDEO: Help us drop to zero

      Posted on Aug 19, 2017
      Over 30 years ago, Rotary made a promise to the world to eradicate polio. When we get there, it will be only the second time that a disease affecting humans has been eradicated. Now we're on the brink of history, thanks to the support of partners like the Gates Foundation. Let's drop to zero. Learn more at
      VIDEO: Help us drop to zero 2017-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

      Help honor Sam Owori's legacy

      Posted on Aug 19, 2017

      Sam F. Owori was elected to serve as president of Rotary International in 2018-19 and would have been the second African Rotarian, and the first Ugandan, to hold that office. He died on 13 July, at age 76, from complications after surgery.  

      Owori is largely credited with the tremendous increase in clubs in Uganda, from nine in 1988, when he was district governor, to 89 today. 

      Help honor Sam Owori's legacy 2017-08-19 05:00:00Z 0

      District Gov. Christopher McLucas visits Mineral Wells Rotary

      Posted on Aug 16, 2017

      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells today welcomed Rotary International District 5790 Governor Christopher J. McLucas to its Wednesday meeting.

      Christopher delivered a motivational and inspiring talk and overview of Rotary International and District 5790. The district is the largest geographically in Texas – encompassing 31 counties – and in the number of clubs at 70. District 5790 has 3,133 members, 231 Rotaractors and seven Interact clubs, including one at Mineral Wells High School.

      District Gov. Christopher McLucas visits Mineral Wells Rotary 2017-08-16 05:00:00Z 0
      This week's program--Personal Finance and The Soul Beth Henary Watson 2017-08-14 05:00:00Z 0
      10 things you may not know about Harris Brooks Harris W. Brooks 2017-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

      Barry Rassin selected 2018-19 Rotary president

      Posted on Aug 13, 2017

      Barry Rassin, of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International for 2018-19. He will be declared the president-elect on 1 September if no challenging candidates have been suggested.

      As president, Rassin aims to strengthen our public image and our use of digital tools to maximize Rotary’s reach.

      “Those who know what good Rotary clubs do will want to be a part of it, and we must find new models for membership that allow all interested in our mission to participate,” he says. “With Rotary more in the public eye, we will attract more individuals who want to be part of and support a membership organization that accomplishes so much good around the world.”

      Barry Rassin selected 2018-19 Rotary president 2017-08-13 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotary partners with United Way for Crazy Kicker 100

      Posted on Aug 09, 2017
      Rotary Club of Mineral Wells this week announced a partnership with United Way of Palo Pinto County through its Crazy Kicker 100 bike tour.
      This year's 14th annual ride is Saturday, Oct. 21. Rotary is donating $5 of every rider registration to United Way of Palo Pinto County to help support the 11 local non-profit agencies that receive United Way funding.
      Read about it in the Mineral Wells Index. To register for the ride go here.
      Rotary partners with United Way for Crazy Kicker 100 2017-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

      Rotarians swept up in tornado shelter discussion

      Posted on Aug 02, 2017

      Growing up Kansas – just 40 miles from Greensburg which in May 2007 was literally blown off the map by a giant tornado – Jerry Shoemaker knows the importance of storm safety and shelters.

      Pictured second from right above, Shoemaker grew up in a time when people in the nation's heartland were told in the event of a tornado to get in the bathtub and pull a mattress over your head, get under a stairwell or inside an interior room or closet. While that might protect you from debris, it wouldn't protect you if your house is lifted up and made airborne while ripping it apart.