President Keri Dobbs opened the meeting and Diane Brown lead in the pledge to our flag. Jimmy Walker said the invocation and Roger Patel had a joke for us. Charles Thompson got his ticket drawn but he drew the 10 of ♥’s. He took home $11. The pot is approaching $300. Our esteemed guest was Ted Oliver...Welcome!

The plea  went out again for transportation for the RYLA team coming up soon. Remember, there will be no meeting on July 3rd. The Rotary disaster relief for Granbury was $1243.00.

Program chair Kevin Laigle introduced Ted Oliver who is the executive director of Addiction Recovery Ministries in Mineral Wells. “For nearly a decade now, the program has dedicated its services to reducing the problems caused by drug addition to the fabric of our society. The program initially began as a church sponsored program called River Jordan. In 2005 the Ministerial Alliance agreed to attack substance abuse dependency and poverty. They decided to use the River Jordan model for a city-wide expression with its own 501C3 tax exempt entity with a separate board of directors: so A.R.M. was born. It became obvious that we needed a safe house for men in our program that would be removed form their unhealthy environment. If you are already a supporter of A.R.M.N., we than you; if you are not, we could use your help.”