My name is Thaís Alves. I’m from 4770 District and I’m sponsored by Morrinhos Rotary Club, in Morrinhos City of Goiás State. I’m 25 years old. I’m single. I graduated in Portuguese, English and Literatures (Languages). Actually I’m studying Business Administration. I have a Language School which I’m a director and teacher too. I teach English as a foreign language. I live with my brother and my parents live at a farm. I’m happy to participate in this project. In Texas, I would like to know the American Education System, from Kindergarten to University. I’d like to know the process of language teaching in Language Schools, from administration to Languages Lessons. I’ like to attend English Classes. It’s very important to know the American culture, so, I’d like to visit museums, libraries, universities, parks, sporting events such as football, baseball, golf,  rodeos and other places that represent the Texan and American culture.