Fundraisers Support our Community and International Projects
Over the years our club has had a number of fundraisers including a very successful gun show in the early 1990's, a radio show with ads sold and read by Rotarians and a similar day with the local cable TV channel highlighting Rotary projects and ads sold by Rotarians. Several raffles including a large flat screen TV, a computer and a hunting rifle have been successful in raising money.
Our most successful long term fundraiser is our Flag Program where we place flags at businesses and residences on six holidays each year. Beginning in 1998, the flag program has grown to 375 flag subscriptions per year and raises more that $11,000 for our club to use for community and international projects. In 2017 the club members wanted to include the community in the Flag Program and enlisted six groups to put out and pick up flags. We shared $1,000 of our earnings with each group.
During the 2008-09 Rotary year we needed an additional fundraiser to do our part to promote and fund Rotary International's "End Polio Now" campaign to match the $100 million grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. A raffle for a Beretta Xtrema II 12 gauge shotgun very successfully raised about $7,300. After fulfilling our three year commitment of $3,000 to "End Polio Now", we had additional funds available for our community projects.
The 2010-11 Rotary year found us needing another fundraiser for all the projects and programs that our club wants to support. We held another raffle in October 2010 for a Beretta Xtrema II shotgun. Our club had $5,625 available after expenses for "End Polio Now" and other international and community programs and projects.
We held additional raffles for different shotguns again in August 2011, May 2013, and April 2014.
In a continuation of the Gates Foundation matching Rotarian Polio contributions our club held a Greatest Meal Fundraiser for Polio in the spring of 2015, again in the spring of 2016 and 2017.
Our club took over the Crazy Kicker 100 Bicycle Ride in October 2015, that was offered to us by the Kiwanis Club of Mineral Wells that was disbanding. We have continued this tradition for 2016, 2017 and 2018. This fundraiser has been successful for us.