Rotary Friendship Exchange encourages Rotarians and their families to visit with Rotarian families in other parts of the world.  Frendship exchanges may be conducted club-to-club (individual Rotarians and theri families) or district-to-district (four to six Rotary couples).

On a rotary Friendship Exchange, several Rotarian couples travel to another country.  Later, the hospitality is reversed when the visit is reciprocated.  After a successful pilot experiment, the Rotary Friendship Exchange became a structured program of Rotary in 1988.

Rotary Friendship Exchange is frequently compared to the Group Study Exchange program of The Rotary Foundation, except that it involves Rotarian couples or families who personally pay for all expenses of theri intercountry experience.  Doors of friendship are opened in a way not otherwise possible.

Rotarians seeking an unusual vacation and fellowship experience should learn more about the Rotary Friendship Exchange.  Some exciting Rotary adventures are awaiting you?