Posted on Jul 12, 2017
Rose and Brandon Jordan of Mission Mineral Wells visited Rotary Club of Mineral Wells on Wednesday to talk about last week's Summer Mission project in the Pasadena Heights neighborhood. Rotary Club of Mineral Wells donated $2,000 to the project, which was matched by Mineral Wells Noon Lions Club
In all, Mission Mineral Wells received more than $29,000 in cash and in-kind donations to work on the four homes and the park area, with more than 120 community volunteers working at least one day, some all four days.
Watch the video above and the one below to hear the project recap.
PHOTO: Brandon and Rose Jordan, of Mission Mineral Wells, are pictured with Rotary Club of Mineral Wells President David Cairone, left, and program chair Diane Brown, right. The Jordans visited Rotary Club on Wednesday to recap last week's Summer Mission project in the Pasadena Heights neighborhood.